
Friday, September 26, 2014

Royalties by Andy Marx Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway


by Andy Marx



America has never seen anything to match the innovation, energy, romance, and excitement of the 20th Century. And the embodiment of all this is Eve Solomon, a young woman who embraces the vitality of the times with a fervor. Determined to make a name for herself in the fledgling music business of 1908, she ultimately becomes wildly successful. But the same steely determination that takes her to the heights of the entertainment world cannot bring her the one thing she wants more than anything: the love of her life, Alex Getz, a struggling Vaudeville comic who becomes one of Hollywood’s biggest stars. As their careers and lives intersect across the years, there is a price to pay—a royalty for true love that can never be measured.


The ring was dazzling.

Square cut, about two carats, Eve guessed, as she looked down at the diamond. Set in ornate Victorian silver and resting perfectly on a black velvet cushion, she could picture it on her finger…even imagine the looks of envy on her friends’ faces as she waved it in front of them. There was no doubt she loved the ring, but not the man who had given it to her.

When Ben had called her earlier in the day and announced he had a surprise, Eve never suspected he planned to propose. Smiling at him, while a myriad of conflicting thoughts ran through her mind, she could only conjure one clear idea. What am I going to tell him?

Say something,” Ben said, breaking her reverie. “I’ve never known you to be at a loss for words before.”

It’s beautiful.”

Try it on. I want to see if it fits.”

Slipping the ring on her finger, Eve thought about how many times she had imagined this moment. But up until two months ago, before she finally decided to stop waiting for Alex, she had always imagined him, not Ben, doing the proposing.

I guess I’m a little surprised,” Eve said.

I’m doing pretty well,” he said. “I moved Ma and my sisters into a bigger apartment. I’ve got a nice place. I figured it was time to start thinking about a family. And I couldn’t think of anybody I’d rather start a family with than you.”

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Andy Marx is an award-winning writer and photographer, whose work has appeared in Variety, The Los Angeles Times and Entertainment Weekly, among others. He is also the co-founder of the comedy website, Hollywood & Swine, known for its lampooning of the entertainment industry. His paternal grandfather was the legendary comedian, Groucho Marx, and his maternal grandfather, the renowned songwriter, Gus Kahn. Marx lives in Beverly Hills with his wife and three children.


Twitter: @andymarx  


  a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I like the excerpt. On the face of it this wouldnt normally be the type of book I would read but the write up did interest me so that is good

  2. Thanks for hosting. Readers, Andy is on the West Coast and works during the day-- he'll stop by this evening to answer any questions you might have.

  3. I enjoyed the excerpts I do enjoy reading so much!
