
Monday, September 22, 2014

Operation Owl by Tara Quan Blog Tour and Giveaway

Title: Operation Owl
Author: Tara Quan
Publication Date: July 15, 2014
Genre: Contemporary Romance/Humor
Five years ago, Maya Jain kissed her best friend only to have him run out of her dorm room and leave the state. When he shows up in Washington, D.C., a wanted fugitive sought after by every branch of the US government, she can’t bring herself to ignore his plight. As their physical relationship picks up where it left off, she decides it’s time to make him see her as more than the bespectacled, bookish girl he once called “Owl.”

After being accused of espionage and treason, Zack Strong needs a forensic accountant to help clear his name. Not knowing who he can trust, this white-hat hacker has no choice but to ask his former best friend and math tutor for help. Together they unravel a cyber conspiracy at the Barn, an NSA facility tasked to intercept electronic communications. But as they traverse the nation’s capital to avoid capture, Maya insists on letting their simmering sexual tension take its natural course. Even though he’s never been able to shake the memory of their one kiss, he refuses to let her give up her life for a man with no future.

Author Bio
Globetrotter, lover of languages, and romance author, Tara Quan has an addiction for crafting tales with a pinch of spice and a smidgen of kink. Inspired by her travels, Tara enjoys tossing her kick-ass heroines and alpha males into exotic contemporary locales, fantasy worlds, and post-apocalyptic futures. Armed with magical powers or conventional weapons, her characters are guaranteed a suspenseful and sensual ride, as well as their own happily ever after. Learn more at

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Guest Post, we would like to thank Tara Quin for guest posting on our blog today;

How do you feel about e-Books? Are they better or worse for authors?

I love eBooks, first as a reader but even more so as an author. While I still own my favorite books in paperback, I’ve resolved to rebuy them in electronic format and to liquidate my collection over the next three years. My husband’s job requires constant moving, and our sea freight can take between 8-10 weeks to arrive at each new location. The thing is—the first few weeks in a foreign country is when I need comfort reads the most. My eReader fits in my purse, allowing me access at all times.

Without any risk of hyperbole, I can say I wouldn’t be an author without eBooks. Until the past decade, the barrier to entry for the publishing industry was so high becoming an author ranked up there with attaining stardom, and the compensation for the lucky few who reached the end of the rainbow was known to be underwhelming.

The only way to get books to readers was to have them in stores. The only way to put them in stores was to obtain a contract from a trade publisher, very few of which accepted un-agented submissions. Before you even start the hunt for an agent, you needed to create a manuscript at the industry-accepted length (i.e., long enough to look good on a shelf in paperback form), written in the right genre, which then needed to land on the right person’s desk at the right time.

The electronic revolution changed the publication process in a monumental way. For the first time, authors could write stories at whatever length they saw fit. Without the necessity of costly print runs and a brick-and-mortar distribution network, small presses and individual authors can compete on a level playing field with the big houses, thus motivating the publishing giants to adapt. Readers and authors, rather than market research of dubious accuracy, now guide trends. While competition is fierce and the financial return still meager, it’s significantly easier now for an aspiring writer to keep the faith.
There is a giveaway for this tour. A $25 Amazon/B&N Giftcard or a Book Depository shopping spree of the same value.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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