
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Extension by L. V. Pires Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will be awarding a $20 Amazon Gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

After having been cryogenically suspended for eighteen years, Oliver Conroy is brought back to life and given a second opportunity to live out his dreams. Velcron Technologies assures Oliver there’s nothing wrong with the procedure. Excited to find his family and finish his senior year at Sierra Vista High, Oliver ventures out into the new and very different world.

Across town, Colby Patterson, Sierra Vista’s star student, has just experienced his soul torn from his body and returned to its original owner, Oliver, leaving him empty, void of emotion, a psychopath, who is now determined to get his soul back using any means necessary.

When Oliver comes to realize he’s being pursued by Colby he must decide what to do. Can he defend himself against this soulless psychopath? Will he be able to bring himself to murder? And, if so, what will happen to his soul?

It’s a battle for the ultimate prize – ownership of the soul.

Enjoy an excerpt:

Oliver Conroy found himself in a black tunnel, surrounded by grey fog, pulled backwards through a cluster of bright stars folding in upon themselves. A man’s calm voice soothed his rigid body and kept him from convulsing all over the operating table. He opened his eyes to see this man hovering over him.

“There, there, Oliver, not so fast. You are only eighty-five percent dethawed.”

He felt a needle in his arm and then a cool serum work its way through his veins. In a matter of moments another sensation overcame him.

“Water,” he mouthed.

“Nurse Sanders, give him more of the liquefied gas and a cup of water.”

“Yes, doctor,” she said, rushing to grab an additional bag of blue liquid.

Oliver watched as she changed out the empty bag for the full one, then sat him up and helped him to drink.

“Alright, another successful revitalization,” the doctor said, snapping off his plastic gloves and tossing them into a waste bin. He picked up a transparent clipboard at the end of the operating table, flicked through it and then turned to Oliver.

“Welcome back, Mr. Conroy. I’m Dr. John Parker and you are officially our tenth patient to be revitalized.” He turned to the nurse. “Not bad for being frozen at negative one hundred and ninety-six degrees for the last eighteen years, huh?”

About the Author:
Young Adult author L.V. Pires lives near Baltimore, Maryland.

She graduated from Vanderbilt University with a Master’s in Education and the University of Maryland, College Park with a Bachelor's in English. She is currently working towards her MFA in Creative Writing at Spalding University.

Her work includes "The Portrait" (Gypsy Shadow Publishing), "Summer of Winged Creatures" (Saturday's Child Press) and EXTENSION (6/15/14, Crescent Moon Press).

Follow her at
Twitter at @lisavpires

Buy the book at Amazon.

The author will be awarding a $20 Amazon Gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for hosting me! I'm happy to be here talking about my novel, Extension. It's a fast-paced, dark novel set in the not-too-distant future. I love reading stories about good versus evil, especially around this time of year when the season is changing and things are looking spookier. Let me know if you have any favorite reads around this time of year and I'll add them to my collection. Happy reading!

  2. wow, this looks amazing. I liked the brief glimps into what is going on. it really grabs your attention and makes you want to go out and buy it now.

  3. I liked the excerpt, the cover and everything else about today's post.

  4. I always though it would be cool to be able to jump ahead to the future in one manner of the other. I dont think I would like it with souless people chasing me though lol

  5. Finding a new-to-me author is always the best part of any blog post!

  6. It's great to meet everyone. Stacey, I definitely wouldn't want the soulless people in this book chasing me either! But, it was fun to write about it!
