
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Winter Saga Series by Jami Brumfield Blog Tour and Giveaway

Winters Saga Series
Author: Jami Brumfield
Publication Date: Apr 29, 2014
Publisher: Beau Coup Publishing
Genre: Young Adult/ Paranormal Romance

Lone Wolf Rising (Winters Saga Book 1)  
Book 1 in the Winters Saga Series begins with Lone Wolf Rising

Revenge has deadly consequences. Seventeen year old Rebecca Winters’ main goal for ten years has been to graduate high school and take down the people who killed her parents. When she stumbled upon a werewolf pack in the middle of Phoenix, she knew she’d found a way to make her dream come true. Instead of getting vengeance, an act of war has put her into a position of power and forces her to put her thirst for family justice on a temporary hold.

He is duty bound to protect her. Lucian (Lucky) Lamont is a member of the Protectors, an elite supernatural police force who works for the Authority. Their main goal is to keep humans in the dark about the creatures who live among them. Lucky is assigned to protect and manage Rebecca, despite her refusal of help. His cover is simple; he poses as the dutiful ‘pretend’ boyfriend in order to keep an eye on the new alpha wolf.

She is his mate.

Gabriel Black though taking his pack back from the witch who was chosen as the new alpha would be simple. He thought wrong. His entire world was turned upside down the moment he met Rebecca at the Authority Council meeting…and he was hooked the moment he kissed her to prove she wasn’t dating his best friend, Lucky.

It’s like being torn between two lovers.

Rebecca is pulled in hundreds of different directions while she attempts to find a way to survive the supernatural world, protect her family, and discover who massacred her entire pack days before her first transformation. She doesn’t have time for romance.

But the heart wants what the heart wants.

And the wolf gets what the wolf wants – or so her alpha believes. While Rebecca manages to keep her head above water as she unlocks political and family secrets which could destroy her, she loses sight of the most important people in her life and one of them pays the ultimate price.


He maneuvered her back against the wall and moved in close.

"You need to be more careful if you plan to protect your family," he whispered.

Her human half knew he was right. It was also one of those rare moments her wolf agreed.

"It’s not like I ran home to show her,” she said. “She saw me limping and grabbed my arm. She pulled up my sleeve and reacted. Besides, they should have been healed by then. This cut," she held up her bandaged hand, "is already gone."

"Like I told you, your healing focuses on the most life threatening wounds first. Bruises are always the last to heal." His answer made logical sense. He started to move away from her and she grabbed his waist, pulling him back into their little corner. She wasn’t done talking to him. “They lasted for hours. How was I to know?”

“You need to be more careful.”

He was beginning to sound like a broken record. In fact, everyone seemed to have that same advice. How was she supposed to be more careful when she didn’t understand anything? No one seemed to grasp this was new to her and she needed time to understand everything. No one seemed to see that she was scared and was constantly being backed into a corner, being forced to react, and left to wonder if she made the right decision. She closed her eyes against the common phrase she has heard so much lately and decided to change the subject.

"Are we going to talk about the kiss from last night?" Or the fact that you punched Gabriel when he kissed me a few minutes ago? She kept that last thought to herself but didn't release her grip on his waist. It made her feel powerful as his golden amber eyes took on a darker hue. The urge to run her fingers over his six pack abs and chest was overwhelming. If they weren't in the school she would have. It would completely go against her decision to stay away from Lucky and Gabriel in the romantic sense, and then there was still the small matter that they were only using dating as a cover. But none of that matter when she was this close to him.

He moved in closer, his lips inches from her ear. His warm breath invaded her senses and sent electricity through her body. It took every ounce of will power to remain still. The silence stretched on painfully.


And with that he took a step back and grabbed her hand. "What took you so long in the restroom?" It appeared the conversation about the kiss or the passionate moments they share was over, just like that.

Annoyance and frustration raked her body. She refused to let him see her hurt ego or let him know he was rattling her.

‘He isn’t meant for you anyway,’ the alpha whispered in her mind.

‘That isn’t your decision.’ Rebecca shook her head to clear it, but keeping things professional between them would definitely help the situation.

She went along with his change of subject, for now. "I ran into Sundae. She seemed to be interested in the fact that I’m a werewolf."

"Oh?" Interest entered his face and eyes.

"Yes, she asked if I was happy." Rebecca shrugged.

"Hmm, that’s interesting. I wonder why?”

"I don’t know. Truthfully, I think she saw me looking at her in the quad. She seemed to want to intimidate me more than actually carry on a conversation. I got the distinct feeling she wanted me to understand she’s more dangerous than she looks. She even called me a little wolf." Rebecca almost laughed at the thought. "Which is funny considering she is much smaller and obviously weaker than me.”

He stopped and set his intent amber eyes on her. "Be careful of the dream weaver, Rebecca. She’s far more dangerous than she looks."

“I got that. My wolf warned me. Sundae did a pretty good job of creeping me out, too.” She shivered.

“I’m serious, Rebecca.”

She wanted to laugh, but something in his look gave her pause. She didn’t want Lucky to see that Sundae worried her. She was tired of feeling scared and having to hide it to the world. "What? Okay, so they can give me nightmares. So I’ll have some sleepless nights, no biggie."

"The myth that if you die in your sleep you die in reality is very true. They are far better assassins than allies." Lucky spoke slowly to make sure the words hit home. The fact that someone as strong and trained to battle enemies could get unnerved by a small chick didn’t help matters. It only made her feel more worried.

A shiver ran down her spine. Assassins, the word hit a chord deep inside. Lucky hinted at it before Rebecca confronted Sundae about it in the bathroom, but hearing him talk about this with such a grave expression on his face made it more real. The idea was creepy but made logical sense in a weird, supernatural way.

Rebecca shook her head in an attempt to clear her mind. The random thoughts of concern seemed to pile on top of each other. Before she chose to be a werewolf the biggest problem she had was finding ways to avoid depression every night. Now she had enemies she never knew existed, a fake boyfriend who was pretending not to be a bodyguard, a family that hid the fact that they were powerful witches, a group of rogue wolves who wanted to rejoin the pack, a pack that she was now Alpha of, and not to mention she also had someone spying on her from afar. The last thing she needed to worry about was a sleep assassin. "I’ll be careful." She promised.

The mood had suddenly taken a solemn tone and she decided she needed to lighten it with a fun change of subject. "So why did you punch Gabriel?"

"Why did he kiss you?" The intensity in the look he gave her made her wonder if he thought she’d invited the kiss.

"I had nothing to do with his decision to kiss me." She put up three fingers and said, "Scouts honor." The memory of the intense feelings his kiss ignited inside her began bubbling up inside her and she had a sneaking suspicion her wolf had something to do with the sudden flooding of feelings.

‘Traitor!’ Rebecca snapped in her mind. The wolf simply laughed playfully.

"But you enjoyed it, didn't you?"

“No!” She answered quickly, which got her raised eyebrows from Lucky.

‘Yes.’ The wolf smiled in her mind.

And there was the question Rebecca was dreading. She planned to make fun over the punch not get on the topic of Gabriel’s kiss.

She shook her head. "It wasn't me that enjoyed it." She didn't know how to explain this to him, but she knew she needed to try.

"Come on, Becca. I heard you." Betrayal played in his eyes as he continued his path towards class.

"It’s my wolf. She’s attracted to him. Not me." Rebecca took his arm and spun him towards her. "I know we’re using this 'fake' relationship as a cover. I’m not stupid! But I can't change my attraction and desire for you. And ever since that kiss last night all I can think about is doing this." She reached up and pulled his head to hers, crushing her lips to his, desperate to show him her need. His lips were like stone for a moment, but he lost all resolve when her hands sank into his silky hair at the nape of his neck.

He deepened the kiss with a growl of frustration as his hand wound around her waist and pulled her against him. She was thankful the halls were empty in that moment, but if they weren't everything would have simply faded away. In that moment it was only them, the rest of the world stood still. Their size difference made it hard to get closer, so he lifted her up slightly and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he pressed her against the wall. When his tongue slipped into her mouth she felt the moan escape and his groan in response only pulled her further into the kiss.

He pulled back and shook his head. "This can't keep happening."

His voice was raspy and breathless and hit her like a pail of water putting out the flames of desire burning in her body. He set her down and took three steps backward, putting a hand up when she took a step forward.

The gesture made her freeze.

"Why?" It was a single word question that held so much meaning.

"It’s not allowed. I’m a Nephilim and you’re a wolf, an alpha of all things. The Authority frowns on mixed relationships, and I’m technically engaged."

Rebecca took a deep breath as she digested his words. "Okay, we could battle the Authority. My parents did it, didn't they? But engaged?" She shook her head in confusion. "Who? How? Why? You never said anything." Her head was spinning with this new information. Now, in a strange way, she understood why he kept pushing her away.

"I’m promised to someone, have been since birth. If we both live to be twenty-seven it’s expected that we marry and have kids." He tried to explain, but had a helpless look on his face. "Besides, you’re an alpha. You’ll be expected to marry a wolf in the pack and that wolf has already made his first play for you."

Vampire Princess Rising (Winters Saga Book 2)
Savannah Winters went from homecoming queen to vampire princess in one terrifying night. Now she must find a way to survive the dark world she lives without letting the anger and depression overwhelm and destroy her. Maintaining a balance between her supernatural identity and human cover is more difficult then she could ever imagine. And her decision to separate herself from her family only makes matters worse. How could she forgive her sister, Rebecca for the role she played in her demise?

It’s a question Rebecca struggles with herself as she attempts to rebuild the Arizona wolf pack after the massacre that left her a lone wolf. How can she convince her dear sweet sister, Savannah to forgive her?

While Rebecca and Savannah juggle the challenges of their new identities, responsibilities, political alliances, and the men in their lives Hunter becomes obsessed with unlocking the powers they have as natural born witches and finding a cure to the viruses that changed his sisters lives indefinitely.

More family secrets unravel and threaten to destroy the fragile connection the Winters siblings share while more enemies come out of the darkness to tear their new worlds apart.


Martina pushed Savannah through the door of another store. They’d already gotten scarves of all different colors, jewelry, mostly silver of course, some new designer jeans, slacks and skirts, and well-crafted blouses. Savannah was beginning to feel like a mannequin as clothes were draped on her body and colors were checked. Viktor and Celestia were sparing no expense to make sure their investment was well dressed and looked the part. Martina flew through the dress store, pulling items of different colors and designs off the racks as Viktor smiled shyly at Savannah. It was the first time he was not otherwise occupied with his phone and they were alone.

“You’re very pretty.” He smiled warmly.

“Really? Because after this whole experience I was beginning to think I wasn’t good enough to be a princess,” she snapped coldly.

“Vampires are big on ritual and expectations. You’re perfect in my book. However, as a royal you’re expected to be beyond perfect. Higher standards are placed upon you.” He turned those unique violet eyes on her, eyes that reminded her of her father. “Your life depends on acting the part, especially now that we’re officially engaged.”

Savannah folded her arms at her chest. “I don’t consider us engaged, officially.”

“Really? Why is that?”

This man was clueless. She exhaled a frustrated breath out and watched as her bangs played in the uncommon breeze. “An engagement, in my book, consists of a man getting down on one knee and asking. This…” she waved her hand in impatience “…is all formality and protection. Where is the romance, the tingles, the earth shattering kisses, the mind boggling make out sessions…?”

Savannah was so wrapped up in her wish list that she didn’t even notice Viktor had gotten down on one knee until Martina dropped the items in her hands and screamed.

“What are you doing? Get up!” Savannah looked around at everyone staring at them. Vampires were not allowed to draw attention to themselves in public settings.

“It may not be the perfect romance…but you will teach me what I need to do.” He pulled out a ring box from the breast pocket of his elegant sports jacket and held it out. “Savannah Ariel Matthews Winters you intrigue me immensely and I cannot wait to spend forever getting to know you better. Would you do me the honor of becoming my bride?”

Her heart fluttered. It wasn’t the speech she imagined, but it wasn’t bad. She looked around, camera phones were rolling. Oh hell! She tried to hide the eye roll. They were on stage now. Appearances were of the utmost importance. “Yes.” She had no choice but to say it.

“What was that?” he asked with a grin on his face. He heard her, he was a vampire.

“Yes, I will marry you,” she said louder so everyone could hear.

The grin that broke out across his face was brilliant. He stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist, lifted her up into an embrace, and spun them around. “That was the first and only time I will ever do that,” he whispered against her ear. “Now we are officially engaged.” The smile didn’t leave his face when he put her down.

“Kiss, kiss, kiss” was the chant that broke out from the crowd that had gathered to witness her fake proposal.

He turned those eyes back onto hers. “I’m going to kiss you now.” It wasn’t a request, it was a statement. He moved closer, placing his hands on her slender hips tentatively. Then with a jerk he pulled her against him, weaving a spell around her senses. He moved his lips close to hers, so close but not touching. One hand moved up her spine to her neck. Tingles shot a trail up and a blush crept onto her cheeks as his body gave away his desire to claim her. “May I kiss you now?” His fingers tangled into the hair at the nape of her neck and lifted her lips toward his, still not touching.

She was so wrapped up in the spell he was weaving that she almost missed his question.
“Savannah, I won’t kiss you until you give me permission.”

He had somehow managed to turn a business arrangement into something more in a matter of minutes. His lips brushed so close to her skin she felt herself light up without a touch. His other hand raised up and gently tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear, then caressed her cheek. “May I?”

“Yes.” Her word came out breathlessly, but he heard her. The smirk that spread across his lips was unsettling but she gave little thought to it when his lips touched hers. Gentle at first and then he deepened the kiss and possessed her mouth with his. She was vaguely aware of the cheers in the background as he continued to assault her senses with a mixture of tenderness and possessiveness. As far as earth shattering kisses goes, he got a gold star.

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Jami M Brumfield has a passion for the paranormal, supernatural, and mythological worlds for most of her life. She believes there is a kernel of truth in every story and loves playing detective to discover what that hidden truth is. She has written most of her life. She started with poems and short stories, then graduated to journalism working for online websites like It was only a natural progression that her love of writing and her passion for the unknown would combine. The Winters Saga is the product of that union.

Book one in the Winters Saga "Lone Wolf Rising" focuses on teen witch Rebecca who in a series of unnatural events finds herself a teen wolf and alpha of the Arizona pack. She is suddenly thrust into a world where danger lurks around every corner and love becomes a liability. Her thirst for vengeance begins to destroy her family and someone she loves pays the ultimate prices.

Book two in the Winters Saga "Vampire Princess Rising" continues the story that began in Lone Wolf Rising only the focal character is Rebecca's sister Savannah. She went from homecoming queen to vampire princess in one terrible night and her life... undead life will never be the same. Family secrets continue to unravel for the Winters siblings and danger continues to build as a supernatural war starts to brew on the streets of Phoenix with the Winters in the middle of it.

Book three in the Winters Saga "Fire Master Rising" is well underway and promises to take your breath away as the focal point of this tale will be Hunter and his fire producing adopted daughter Freya join the battle against good and evil. Loyalties will be tested, alliances will burn and others will be created, and life will never be the same for the Winters family. Jami is hoping for a late June or early July release date for this book.

She is also working on a New Adult Paranormal Romance series and book one in this series will be released in the summer of 2014.

By day Jami works with hypnotherapy and coaching clients and in her nights she focuses on creating new urban fantasy and paranormal romantic thrill rides for your enjoyment.

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