
Monday, August 25, 2014

Undertaking Irene by Pamela Burford Great Escapes Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway & Interview

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Undertaking Irene
by Pamela Burford

Interesting characters, Interesting romances…
…quite a humorous book!
~Storeybook Reviews
There are so many things I liked about this book. Quirky characters, an intriguing mystery, and snappy dialogue all drew me in to this story.
~Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book

undertaking-ireneUNDERTAKING IRENE by Pamela Burford
Cozy Mystery – 250 Pages

Jane Delaney does things her paying customers can’t do, don’t want to do, don’t want to be seen doing, can’t bring themselves to do, and/or don’t want it to be known they’d paid someone to do. To dead people. Life gets complicated for Jane and her Death Diva business when she’s hired to liberate a gaudy mermaid brooch from the corpse during a wake. Well, a girl’s got to make a living, and this assignment pays better than scattering ashes, placing flowers on graves, or bawling her eyes out as a hired mourner. Unfortunately for Jane, someone else is just as eager to get his hands on that brooch, and he’s even sneakier than she is. Just when she thinks her biggest problem is grand theft mermaid, things take a murderous turn. But hey, when you’ve teamed up with a neurotic seven-pound poodle named Sexy Beast, how can you lose?
pam-burford About This Author
Pamela Burford is the best-selling author of 15 works of mystery, contemporary romance, and romantic suspense. She has received four RITA and Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award nominations and is a frequent speaker at writers’ conferences and workshops. Her books have sold millions of copies, received outstanding reviews, and been translated into more than a dozen languages. Pamela is the founder and past president of Long Island Romance Writers, a chapter of Romance Writers of America. Fun fact: her twin sister Patricia Ryan, a.k.a. P.B. Ryan, is also a published novelist
Author Links

    Interview with this fantastic author ; thank you so much,

1. Why did you decide to write mystery novels?

After writing fourteen romantic suspense and romance novels, I had a good, long sit-down with myself and decided that what I really wanted to concentrate on was straight mystery. Thus the Jane Delaney series was born. It combines the elements I most love to work with: mystery, humor, and a boy/girl subplot. Or I should say, a boys/girl subplot. Both Martin and Dom will take their turns during this series.

2. What was the inspiration for Sexy Beast?

My own dog, Murray the Wonder Poodle, inspired Sexy Beast. I took Murray’s personality and quirks, and amplified them. I must admit, though, that Murray has yet to help solve a murder. By the way, Sexy Beast has his own Twitter account! You never know what he’ll come out with next. Follow him at @SexyBeastTheDog.

3. I have had a lot of readers on my blog always seem to compare e-books with physical print books. Almost everyone has their own opinion. I was wondering if you like e-books or a physical copy to read?

Both. I have an e-reader for fiction, but I prefer physical books for nonfiction, which often includes photos, lists, and maps. Also, I listen to a lot of audiobooks, so I’m what you might call an equal-opportunity book hound.

4. Do you think that e-books have helped or hurt the authors?

Anything that gets people reading helps the authors—and the readers!

5. Are your books in both forms?

Yes. My romance backlist is available in both formats. Undertaking Irene is currently available only in digital form but will be produced as a paperback in the future.

Purchase Links:

Tour Participants
August 18 – readalot blog - Review
August 19 – Cozy Up With Kathy - Interview
August 20 – Queen of All She Reads - Review
August 21 – Kelly P’s Blog – Interview
August 22 – StoreyBook Reviews – Review
August 23 – Mystery Playground – Interview
August 24 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – Review 
August 25 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, &, Sissy, Too! – Interview
August 26 – Shelley’s Book Case – Review
August 27 – rantin’ ravin’ and reading – Review
August 28 – Mochas, Mysteries and Meows – Interview
August 29 – Brooke Blogs – Review, Interview
August 30 – deal sharing aunt – Spotlight
August 31 – Dalene’s Book Reviews – Review

Rafflecopter Code: a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. thanks for having the giveaway.i enjoyed the synopsis

  2. O my gosh, this sounds so good, I already laughed, and want to know if she will get the brouch? Off a dead person no less!! That's great!! Look forward to reading this. thanks for the giveaway

  3. Thanks to Three Partners for hosting me, and to everyone who commented! I hope you enjoy the book, and don't forget to enter the raffle. Good luck!

    -- Pamela Burford

  4. sounds wonderful, thank you for the chance!

  5. sounds like a great book! Thanks for the giveaway.

