
Friday, August 15, 2014

The Reluctant Detective by Martha Ockley Book Tour and Book Review

More . . . read excerpt

Former cop Faith Morgan may have quit the world of crime, but crime has not let her go. Now a priest in the Church of England, she is assigned to the improbably named village of Little Worthy, and within an hour of her arrival she witnesses the sudden, shocking death of a fellow priest. To her distress, the detective assigned to the case is Ben, her former partner and former boyfriend.
As she meets her parishioners she learns some surprising details about her apparently well-loved predecessor, and starts to suspect a motive for his death. The cop may have donned a clerical collar, but the questions keep coming. How will she reconcile her present calling with her past instincts? Is she in danger herself? What should she do about Ben?

My review;

Faith Morgan the cop turned priest is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Watching a murder take place she tries to find the one who was the killer. Why does her old boyfriend have to show up to solve the crime?  I loved the storyline and I loved the characters. I give the book a 4/5.  I was given this book by Kregel Publishers for the purpose of a book review and all opinions are my own.

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