
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Earl's Mistress by Liz Carlyle Tasty Virtual Book Tour and giveaway

The Earl’s Mistress

MacLachlan Family and Friends # 10

By: Liz Carlyle

Releasing August 26th, 2014

Avon Romance


Women rarely refuse the wicked Earl of Hepplewood, whose sensual skills are the stuff of legend. But when his new governess answers his proposition with a slap to his face, then stalks out with references in hand, Hepplewood finds more than his face is left burning . . .

Isabella Aldridge has brains, bravado, and beauty-but the latter is no use to a servant. With orphaned sisters to feed, eviction nearing, and Hepplewood’s words ringing in her ears, Isabella realizes she must barter her most marketable asset . . .

But when fate unknowingly sends Isabella back into Hepplewood’s arms, the earl must make an impossible choice-draw Isabella down..., or behave with honor for the first time in his life.

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Author Info

A lifelong anglophile, Liz Carlyle cut her teeth reading gothic novels under the bedcovers by flashlight. She is the author of sixteen historical romances, including several New York Times bestsellers. Liz travels incessantly, ever in search of the perfect setting for her next book. Along with her genuine romance-hero husband and four very fine felines, she makes her home in North Carolina. You can contact her via her website at

Author Links

Rafflecopter Giveaway (A full set of Liz’s St. James society books (A BRIDE BY MOONLIGHT, THE BRIDE WORE SCARLET, and THE BRIDE WORE PEARLS))

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I have read so many of your books, Liz, but it's been awhile since I've read one...a couple of years I think. So I'm anxious to get back "into the groove" and read your more recent stories. Thanks for the tour & post.
