
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Adelle's Time Book Three- The Willow Tree by Dayna Leigh Cheser Cover Reveal Interview Blog Tour and Giveaway

Synopsis –

Adelle is back!

After a year of recovery from her ill-fated romance with Theo (see Moria’s Time), and thinking about her future, Adelle returns to London, still intent on marrying a duke … with a carefully thought out plan.

First, she needs a companion to help her, and hires Lady Deanna. Together, they take London’s social elite by storm with the dramatic introduction of Adelle’s alter ego, ‘Lady Mysterious’. At first it seems Lord Grenfell, and then Lord Hastings, may take the bait, but then, being ‘Lady Mysterious’ proves to be too dangerous. Realizing the price she’d pay if caught and exposed, she abandons her plan.

Instead, she enlists the aid of her Uncle Sinjin, the Duke of Devonwood, to open doors for her. At Lord Pearson’s ball, the host shuns her, but his son, Walter, finds the American farmer’s daughter entrancing.

Theo, conscripted into the Royal Navy and exiled to Australia, returns to London. Convinced the Grayson family caused his being inducted into the navy, and now a destitute and desperate deserter, he plans his revenge on the Duke of Devonwood and his brother, Adelle’s father.

After jumping ship in Istanbul, the formerly pompous youth, now transformed into a dangerous, hardened man, cons his way home, and stalks the family while learning to use a gun. Adding burglar and murderer to his resume, he realizes the error of his ways and flees. The family hopes he’s gone for good.

After a double wedding with Moria and Simon, Walter and Adelle, with the support of their families, devote their lives to children—their own, and many London orphans.

Along the way, Adelle learns about love: the love of her family, of Walter, and of many other people in her life. It changes her in ways she could never have imagined.

“… now there doth remain faith, hope, love – these three;
and the greatest of these is love.”

Cover Reveal Interview
What inspired you to write your first book?A need to write SOMETHING! I’d done a short story, but it wasn’t enough – I needed MORE!
How do you come up with the title?I struggled with titles … I tried all sorts of possibilities. The end result is that each book of my series is ‘(name)’s Time. ‘ In this case, ‘Time’ isn’t linear. The main characters appear as lesser characters in the other books.
How much of the book is realistic?There’s some paranormal, including the time travel, but the series is not a fantasy, it’s as realistic as I can make it.
Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?With a series, there’s usually ‘a cast of thousands,’ or at least ‘a cast of hundreds,’ which makes it difficult to pattern every character after someone you know. While many of the characters have traits of people I know, there are some that are unique individuals. In some cases, it’s about what I wish my life had been like when I was younger.
What books have most influenced your writing?Books by Bertrice Small have most influenced my writing, along with books by Victoria Holt, Lynn Kurland, (early) Karen Marie Moning, Jean Auel, and others.

What book are you reading now?I’ve got several in the works right now – Stephen King’s ‘On Writing,’ and the last in a series by Karen Marie Moning, come to mind. Several books are by my favorites, while some are by new friends (social media) and others.
What are your current projects?My TIME Series. Two of the books are published (‘Janelle’s Time’ and ‘Moria’s Time,’ the third, ‘Adelle’s Time,’ will be released soon, and the remaining two. ‘Logan’s Time, and ‘Clairssa’s Time,’ will probably be out in 2015.
Do you see writing as a career?Absolutely … and I should have done it years ago‼ I’m happiest when I’m writing – the creativity, the challenge ….
Do you recall how your interest in writing originated? Can you share a little of your current work with us?I can’t remember not wanting to write … it probably originated in my love of reading, which started very young.
Anyone can go to my website and read a chapter from each of my 5 books – including those not yet published – See the ‘Chapters’ tab, and, for more info, see the ‘TIME Series’ tab. I’m also running a series of blog posts containing excerpts and other material about the soon-to-be released ‘Adelle’s Time.’
Is there anything you find particularlly challenging in your writing?About writing? Not really. My editor is an excellent teacher – and the combination means my writing skills are increasing with everything I write. What I find challenging isn’t the writing at all, but the marketing that we indie writers must do. I’m a hearing impaired introvert – a double-whammy situation that makes marketing very difficult.
What were the challenges (research, psychological, logistical) in bringing your book to life?In ‘Moria’s Time,’ I incorporated several real-life historical characters. One, Elizabeth Blackwell, became Moria’s mentor. Another, Frederick Douglass, was a hero to Moria’s brother. A third, Florence Nightingale, was destined to influence Moria’s life from many years before they met. The fourth and fifth were Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Incorporating real-life historical characters into your fiction, and having them interact in the lives of your characters, is a real challenge, even in the 1800s. I needed four of these characters in London at the same time, for different events – and, miracuously, it happened – I had a 6-week window in which to accomplish these events. Amazing!
A non-writing question:
Have you ever been in trouble with the police?
No, never. I rode in 4 police cars one night when there was a break-in at work - my boss was out of town. I had to go secure the place but had no car (husband was out of town with ours), so I was shuttled by the police. Interesting.

B&N - and otherwise widely available

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BIO – Dayna Leigh Cheser 5/5/2014

Dayna Leigh Cheser hails from a family of writers; her mother, a non-fiction writer, and her brothers, a newspaperman, and a copywriter.

In school, she often wrote short stories to entertain her classmates, and the occasional teacher who intercepted one. This influenced one English teacher to modify her curriculum to include short story writing.

Term papers prepared Ms. Cheser for the rigors of being an author – the research and writing creativity necessary for a paper gave her a good basis for a writing career upon which to build. She’s found that researching historical facts and people to weave into her stories is an exciting and important part of the process.

While she has many passions, her first love has always been books, which evolved into writing. Much of her young life was spent in the town library, and her parents despaired her being an under-the-covers-at-night-with-a-flashlight reader.

A casual writer since childhood, it wasn’t until 2002 that she was driven to finally write a book. On a ‘graveyard shift’ shift for eighteen months, she had the time to write for several hours every night. The result was her first book. Today, with three books published and two more in the series due out soon, she’s busy all the time.

Her life before her retirement didn’t allow the time required to be a professional writer. Since retiring, however, she’s loved the time she now has to write to her heart’s content.

Readers enjoy Ms. Cheser’s books because they are great stories, with by well-developed characters. Not a ‘formula writer’, when she writes, the story is free to progress as it will, then she works with it until it becomes a reality.

Author Links –

Website/Blog –

Personal Facebook - (Julie Jordan)

Giveaway Information – Rafflecopter Code - a Rafflecopter giveaway

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