
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Where You Are by Alla Kar Release Day Book Blitz and Giveaway

Where You Are
by Alla Kar 
Release Date: 07/29/14
Swoon Romance
New Adult

Summary from Goodreads:
Got boy problems? Call Laney Scott. She's good for advice, a shoulder, or a swift kick where you need it. When her roommate Bethany gets her heart broken, yet again, it's Laney to the rescue. But Laney's harboring a secret. She's nursing her own broken heart. She and her friends come up with a plan to break Aiden and set it into play. Laney wants Aiden to pay for what he's done to Bethany. She will make him fall in love with her, so can break his heart.

Laney's ex-boyfriend Lachlan Hems is back in Florida, still Australian and sexy as hell. His best mate Lucas is getting married, and he is in town for the show. He just didn’t realize Laney would be there … in another guy’s arms, or that seeing her again would have such an effect on him. After the incident in high-school, he vowed to never care for her again. But sometimes fate has different plans.

When Laney’s resolve crumbles, Lachlan is the only one that can put her back together again.

Where You Are is the start of a three-books new adult series from Amazon and Barnes and Noble bestselling author Alla Kar.

Available from:
Amazon * Barnes & Noble

Since I was pulled into the lounge this morning, I am ten minutes late for class. Which is something I never am. I walk to my seat, conscious of the entire class watching me like I have a paper bag over my head and I’m waving a gun around.
“Ms. Scott, please tell me there is an excellent reason you’ve missed the first ten minutes of my class.” When college students tell you that college professors don’t call you out like in high school, they’re all a bunch of dirty liars. My professors live to embarrass people. I guess it’s all they have for fun in their old age. And Dr. Phillips is the worst. Definitely not the kind of professor I had in mind when I signed up for creative writing. I love to write short stories, but if I’m going to have to read them to the entire class, I don’t think I like writing them anymore.
“Big fire in my dorm room, everyone was running down the street in their underwear, screaming.” I plop my book bag down in my regular seat. A few of my classmates laugh under their breath.
Dr. Phillips gives me a tight-lipped grin. “Don’t be a smart-mouth, Laney. Sit down and open to page six eighty-six.”
 I flip through my book until I land on one of Edgar Allen Poe’s poems. Great, now I have to listen to this depressing bullshit. I swear Dr. Phillips lives to bring his students down.
“Don’t worry, at least you missed the first ten minutes of the torture session,” Jacks says. I laugh and turn around, handing him one of the Pop-Tarts that was shoved down into the depths of my bag. Jacks’ dorm room is right next to mine. He was the only reason I made it through the first week of school.
Where he is nice-looking, tall, blond, and has big brown eyes, he doesn’t act like a hormone-crazed, fifteen-year-old boy. Maybe it has something to do with being older and a senior.
“Thanks, bud. I would go hungry without you.” He takes a large bite and half of the Pop-Tart is already gone.
I shrug, then turn around in my seat, whispering, “I hear I’m hard to live without.”
Jacks laughs and taps my shoulder. I glance back. He holds up a piece of paper with an Ogre-looking guy that, I assume, is Dr. Phillips. He has a huge mustache with Coke-bottle glasses. Not to mention a huge erection. Okay, maybe he doesn’t act that much older.

About the Author
I go by Alla Kar. I live in the Deep South with my husband, Chihuahua and pit-bull puppy. I love to bring southern gentlemen, alpha males and all things new adult to life. I am an Amazon Best-Selling Author!

Author Links:
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Book Blitz Organized by:


  1. Thanks for the great giveaway

  2. Bittersweet memories of those boys that drove us crazy. I can't wait to read your book. It will bring back things I haven't thought about in years.
