
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Her Secret, His Surprise by Paula Altenburg Book Review and Giveaway

Her Secret, His Surprise
by Paula Altenburg
  Book Synopsis:  Conflict of interest is an understatement… Since being disowned by her strict father, Cass Stone has spent her adulthood trying to prove him wrong. Her drive has led to more success than her family ever thought she’d achieve, and life is looking great. Not even an incredible and mysterious one night stand that leaves her a single mom can trip her up...until the father of her baby stumbles back into her life, as sexy and unreliable as ever. Logan Alexander hasn’t forgotten the night he spent with Cass two years ago, but he never expects to end up undercover as her assistant. His job saves lives—like it should have saved his brother—and he can’t afford complications. It’s difficult enough to maintain his cover as a carefree wanderer when he realizes his attraction to Cass hasn’t faded...and then he meets Cass’s daughter. Goodreads * Amazon * Barnes & Noble * Entangled   Entangled Bliss: Facebook: Twitter: @RomanceIsBliss  Steals and Deals     Author Bio:  Paula Altenburg lives in rural Nova Scotia, Canada, with her husband and two sons. Once a manager in the aerospace industry, she now enjoys the freedom of working from home and writing fulltime. Paula currently writes fantasy, fantasy romance and category romance.  Visit her  and follow her on Twitter @PaulaAltenburg.  
My review
 I just finished read Her Secret, His Surprise and I really loved it. The storyline and the characters are really fun to read about. I usually like to read about happy endings where the father, who doesn't know he is a father, slowly comes the conclusion that he needs this little family unit. Cass is a young single mother who thinks she has forgotten the father of her child but that is far from true. I give this book a 4/5. I was given this book for the purpose of a review and all opinions are my own.
  Giveaway Info:  Copy of Desire by Design by Paula Altenburg Rafflecopter Code:   a Rafflecopter giveaway Her Secret, His Surprise

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