
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Super Dad Father’s Day Giveaway Hop

Super Dad Father’s Day Giveaway Hop will run from June 12-18th and each blogger has a prize valued at $25.00 or more. Don't forget to hop to the other blogs and enter their giveaways as well. Thanks to MamaNYC  for hosting! Good Luck! 
I am giving away some things for dad to use in his garage, shed or man cave! 
Please enter here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway Check out the other giveaways here:


  1. My best dad memory is when him and I danced together at my wedding. It's a moment i will never forget as it is the first time i ever saw tears of joy in his eyes.

  2. My best dad memory is my dad walking with me over the bridge to Woolworth's on Saturdays to buy me an ice cream float.

  3. My best memory is accepting God as my real dad!

  4. My dad didn't live with us, so I didn't get to eat his cooking very much. My mom went out of town once and he came to stay with me. He made the most amazing spaghetti I've ever eaten.

  5. My dad passed away but he was always so happy even after he had a massive stroke he never gave up.

  6. I was homesick at college and my dad ( and mom) made a 20 hour drive to come see me, the most excited I was to see my daddy!

  7. I loved getting to help my dad when he would restore his cars! I got to help with a 57 chevy and a 68 camaro :)

  8. My dad brought us brown paper bags full of penny was the coolest thing when your little

  9. My father always brought me something home when he got home from work in my early years. I still remember that.

  10. Driving from California to Minnesota with my dad, 2 & 5 year old...quite a trip!

  11. His smile, dad had the best smile ever...and when others remark that I smile just like's the best compliment someone can give me.

  12. My favorite memory of dad is him brushing our hair when we were little.

  13. my dad cooking my fave meal on my 16th bday

  14. My favorite Dad memory is helping my dad load up wood for the house, he would always allow us to help him and be around him even if he was working!

  15. On my 18th or maybe my 20th birthday, my dad gave me a pocket watch and told me he was proud of me when I was going to college and working.

  16. I liked to go to the grocery store with my dad. Mom didn't drive so we did the shopping each week.

  17. I dont have any memories of my dad because he died when I was a baby.

  18. My best dad memory is when I was a kid we had an airplane. It was a two seater and my dad and I would go flying together every chance we could. That was over 30 years ago and every time I hear an airplane it reminds me of the good times I had with my dad.

  19. Getting baptized at church on the same day as my dad.

  20. My best memory is all the times that my dad took me fishing when I was a child. He made it so much fun!

  21. My memory is dad stuck by mom through thick and thin.

  22. Getting up early and going fishing!

  23. going fishing with my Dad at Sekiu!

  24. Going camping with the family.

  25. spending weekends up at our boat on the lake

  26. I remember my dad always taking me to get ice cream.
