
Monday, June 23, 2014

Story Land Review and Giveaway

Here are 2 of my babies, Sissy and Bobo with Winnie the Poo and Piglet.  They sang the whole song to them. Story Land New Hampshire!

We stopped to look at the beautiful ducks and geese.
Here is Mommy and Sissy on their own swan boat. Daddy and Bobo were filming them in another boat of their own. To think they used to be afraid to go into a boat.

Here are Bob and Sissy in a huge wagon to stay shaded and not get sunburn.
Daddy, Mommy, Bobo and Sissy !!!

  Here we are the 3 Partners  Nana, Mommy & Sissy at The North Pole!   A frozen pole in the park.

This is Bobo on the antique carousel  the horses do not go up and down you can make them go back and forth.

This is Sissy with her friend Cinderella having tea in her castle!  You are able to join Cinderella for the Tea Time. Sissy got all dressed up.

Sissy did not want to get out of Cinderella's coach. Bobo got out as fast as he could, typical boy.

This is in Cinderella's Castle. Mommy and Sissy took the Pumpkin Coach!
Here is Sissy telling Cinderella the Rapunzel is really her favorite princess and she is growing her hair long just like her. Cinderella said it was okay she is her friend too.
  Sissy is hanging out  with Little Bo Peep.
The kids loved playing with Pinocchio and he was really cool.

  Here she is Rapunzel !!  Sissy waited all day to show her  how she is growing her hair to look like her!  She almost started to cry. We all almost did.
  Here is Bobo with Little Bo Peep.

At the store in the park Sissy bought the goose she always wanted with her own money. When Mother Goose saw us she asked Sissy if she wanted her to sign it!  She let Sissy hold her goose.

Here is Bobo and Sissy at the Character Dinner after the park closed. They asked him to make a funny face so they all did.

We had so much fun. Sissy and Bobo with Mommy, Daddy and Auntie Icky (Deal Sharing Aunt  ) and Uncle Mike. They also went on a pharaoh's ship and shot water at each other and the rest of us on the side. There were tea cup rides, and antique cars to name just a few.

 I  have more pictures to post and another giveaway happening right now! I am giving a child's t-shirt. We were given tickets to get into the park for a review and all opinions are our own.

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

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