
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Impulsion by Jamie Magee Book Blitz and Giveaway

Impulsion (Station 32 #1)
Release Date: 05/19/14

Summary from Goodreads:
With a glance Wyatt Doran stole Harley Tatum’s heart. With each summer that passed, touch by touch, they robbed each other’s innocence, birthing a love that was so deep that it scorched within.

Without warning, they were ripped from the clutches of each other, placed in lives that were worlds apart. Only to cross paths after a freak accident where Harley’s horse rig was flipped. An accident that Wyatt Doran, from fire station 32, responded.

The tension was immediate, the emotions were raw. One breath told them they were not the same as before, one touch…changed their world.


He reached his arm around her waist and pulled her body against his, causing her eyes to fly open, those breaths to come even faster.

And Harley, I’m going to fight like hell for you. And as soon as I make you mine again, I will die before I ever let anyone take you from me again.”

His hand rose to her face, his thumb grazed her flesh, his eyes dipped to her lips, then met her gaze once more.

You’re the only woman I have ever loved. That I ever will love.”

Available from:
Amazon * Barnes & Noble * iBooks

About the Author
I'm an obsessive daydreamer. Lover of loud alternative music. Addicted to Red Bull. I love to laugh until it hurts. Fall is my favorite season. Black is my favorite 'shade.' Strong believer in the saying: there is a reason for everything, therefore I search for 'marked moments' every moment of everyday...and I find them. Life is beautiful!

Author Links:
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