
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Eternal Tuat by Sekhmet's Guardian's Book Four by V.S. Nelson Book Tour and Giveaway

Eternal Tuat
Sekhmet’s Guardian’s Book Four
By: V.S. Nelson

Bagsu, his name alone strikes fear in the Guardian Nation.
What can cause one twin, destined to take his father’s place as a priest turn evil and lead a crusade to dominate the human race while the other fights to save mankind?

Finally, secrets are revealed when Bagsu leads us back in time to the land of New Tuat. Experience first hand what really happened to Bagsu and Gabriel long before they became immortal, when twin brothers were the best of friends.

Buy Links
B&N: (Print)

Link to Follow Tour:

Author Info
With a love for history, Native American author V.S. Nelson, instructed elementary, high school and college in the U.S. and abroad before launching her second writing career.
V has been a story-teller all her life, always creating stories about people discovering the courage to make a difference. This drove her into writing her paranormal series centering on strong relationships and led her to coin the term: Ancient Legends, New Worlds.
She is well known for her “time management and sprint style writing,” producing well over five thousand words daily - consecutively.
V is available for speaking engagements, appearances and is more than willing to share her methodology with others in a variety of workshops.
A member of three RWA chapters she sits on several committees and judges writing contests across the states.
In Jan, 2013, Eternal Lovers, the first book in her eleven book paranormal series, Sekhmet’s Guardians launched with a fury. Being a series reader herself, she has held true to her promise by releasing no less than two books in the series per year in addition to her other work.

Author Links
Author website:
Author blog:
Facebook: (author)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. No, I've not read the series.

  2. Thank you for hosting today and Michelle and Lisa thank you for reading about my book (series) and entering the drawing.

  3. I haven't read any of these, yet, so I can't say.
