
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Eruption by Christina Mobley Release Blast and Giveaway

Book Title: Eruption
Series: The Vangretta Curse #3
Author: Christina Mobley
Release Date: June 29, 2014
Genre: YA Fantasy
Presented by:As You Wish Tours

To celebrate today's release of Eruption (book 3), Elementris (book1) is FREE on Amazon Kindle!!


When you love someone more than yourself, protecting them is all that matters; it is all there is...

Snow one minute and blazing temperatures the next, horrific storms everywhere, and Ava has no idea what’s causing it. Desperate for answers, she turns to the past. An ancient diary reveals the truth about Element Island and the true origins of those born of the Element. Everything she thought she knew is wrong. Destiny is coming for her unborn child.

Ava’s fairytale has quickly turned into a nightmare. No one can be trusted. Friendships will be tested, and lives will be lost. As nature and destiny collide, a child that will change everything is born. The eruption will mark the beginning and the end, and the battle has just begun.


“You have never truly touched the earth if you have not heard her cry.”

The woman locked eyes with Ava. “I want you to listen carefully, in a way you have never imagined before. Imagine the earth could speak to you. Imagine every sound it made was words for your ears only. Imagine Earth could show you all she has seen and the pain and life inside her.”

Ava nodded.

“I want you to let it in. Without fear, without worry of what you will see, let her speak to you. Listen to the earths cry.”

Ava still wasn’t so sure about the earth crying, but she definitely felt tears of her own and wasn’t sure if it was the intensity of the woman’s words or her hormones. “Okay.”

The woman grabbed Ava’s hands and pushed them deep into the fresh earth. Ava felt small roots climb between her fingers and wrap around her hands. .

She tilted her head, listened to the soft scratching of leaves, and breathed in the earthy smell coming from the rich soil beneath her hands. She closed her eyes and really felt…something. She felt a horrible wrench in her stomach. Before she could begin to worry that something was wrong with the baby, the images came. It wasn’t her baby that was in pain it was Mother Earth’s baby. The world. Everything painful inside it. She saw a group of children rail thin and sick. It was so hot and so horrible. She watched a little boy barely more than skin and bone take his last breath. She heard his mother’s miserable cry. Then she saw trees burning and forest animals fleeing. She saw war, violence, and destruction. The images came faster. Glimpses of death and destruction. Then even faster. She could barely make anything out now. The images flew by; life and death in fast-forward. She felt it though, all of it. She felt the pain of the world all at once. Hunger, fear, pain, loss. She saw the changes. First snow and ice, then new life. A small flower worked its way through a pile of snow. Green grass followed it and then a small puddle grew to a mighty river. The river changed its course over and over again, changing everything along its path as it went.

Ava! Ava!” Alec’s voice rang in her mind.

She tried to open her eyes, but couldn’t. She was trapped. She used all she had to force her lashes open, but couldn’t see a thing.

“Ava?” Alec said again.

“It’s okay. She’s alright,” the old woman said.

“Her eyes, why do they look like that?” Alec asked, “What’s happening?”

“It’s the elements response to her.”

Ava tried to speak but couldn’t. She felt the wind tickle her face. She felt the ground shake beneath her, and heard the leaves shaking on their branches.

“She’s touched it. She has truly touched her element.”

“Ava, can you hear me?” Alec said.

“Yeah, I...” Ava struggled hearing tree branches shaking and feeling the world spinning all around her.

“Let’s get you back.” Alec lifted her.

“I’m okay. She was right. I saw it all.” Ava’s vision came back then. Her eyes watered. The old woman stood in front of her. A misted vision. “Thank you,” Ava said.

“No, thank you.” Ms. Frank responded.

Ava felt the spinning slow and saw the trees reaching for her. She lifted her finger to touch the leaves of one as Alec turned. She squinted as her head rolled back and the dark sky cleared before her eyes.
Caslan had drawn a strange symbol on the sand in front of her before moving around to stand at her back. “Say these words.” he instructed, the words whispering against her neck as his warm breath tickled the tiny hairs there. Her skin tingled and her heart started to race. “Rub the crystal with your thumb. You’re going to make that baby float,” he said.
Brea laughed, “Yeah, right.”
You will,” he said against her ear. “Say these words. “Rise up, dance for me, Harinick awlet manicuine, and visualize it. Concentrate on the symbol.” The words rolled off his tongue, making him sound like he was from a different time.
Brea closed her eyes, feeling a strange prickling sensation in the palm of her hand. It felt like it had fallen asleep and was trying to wake back up. Caslan reached for her hand and pried her fingers open. She looked down at the crystal that lay in her palm. Colors flashed within it.
Say the words and look at the symbol. Make the crystal weightless.”
Brea took a deep breath. “Raise up, dance for me, Harinick awlet manicuine.” She leaned forward and concentrated on the symbol. The symbol turned black and then caught fire. The crystal rose from her hand and floated above the flaming symbol. Brea wanted to scream. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. The crystal spun higher and higher until it was right in front of her face. It hovered there, spinning like it weighed nothing at all.
Caslan took her chin in his hand and kissed her. His kiss was not careful it was all-consuming and feral. She knew she should fear the strange sensations he was causing her to feel, but it was so amazing. She’d never felt more alive; out of control, yet completely free. His hands moved over her body and suddenly she didn’t want there to be any space between them. She wrapped herself around him as he lowered her to the sand. She heard the crystal drop beside them. He was breathing fast, just like hers. He propped himself up on his elbow, looked at her, and grinned. “I told you that you could do it.”
You did that.” She accused, a little disappointed that he seemed to want to talk.
No,” he denied. “That was all you. You did that.”
Did I really?” she asked, feeling a little better about the talking thing, amazed at what she had done.
He leaned in and, touching her lightly, slowly traced a path over her shoulder and down her arm before he responded, “You did.”

Christina Mobley is a married, mother of four, who spends her days caring for her children. She grew up in Florida, living on the banks of the St.Mary's river, and as a child always had a fascination for storms and the power they wield. The Vangeretta Curse series was inspired by that fascination.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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