
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Black Orchid Blog Tour Giveaway and Guest Post

Title: Black Orchid
Series: Svatura, Book Four
Author: Abigail Owen
Publication Date: May 23, 2014
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Adelaide Jenner feels nothing... she is completely numb inside. Her te'sorthene, her fated love, abandoned her and joined their enemy. On that day her sister turned off all Adelaide's emotions in order to save her from a heartbreak that could push her over the edge of sanity. But great power wielded without compassion or love can only lead to pain.

Nate Pierce believes Adelaide used her extraordinary powers to deceive him all these years. So he destroyed a relationship he thought to be false and hungers for revenge. Now, Nate serves Maddox. He is unaware that his new leader is using him as a pawn in a bid to enslave all Svatura.

The only hope of finally defeating Maddox is for Adelaide and her sisters to combine their growing powers against him. But the the key to a Svatura's power is the heart, and Adelaide's is still missing.

Buy Links
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Author Bio
Award-winning author, Abigail Owen was born in Greeley, Colorado and raised in Austin, Texas. She now resides in Northern California with her husband and two adorable children who are the center of her universe. 

Abigail grew up consuming books and exploring the world through her writing. A fourth generation graduate of Texas A&M University, she attempted to find a practical career related to her favorite pastime by obtaining a degree in English Rhetoric/Technical Writing. However, she swiftly discovered that writing without imagination is not nearly as fun as writing with it.

Social Media Links
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Guest Post

Oh, the Drama!

I am, primarily a writer of paranormal romance. However, I both read and write contemporary romance as well. A trend I have noticed just in the last five to ten years or so is that of the need for serious drama in contemporary romance story lines. Anyone else seen this?

I will admit that paranormal romance is fairly easy in the drama department. Supernatural powers tend to come with their own drama. But in contemporary romance, there seems to always be some sort of major and very serious issue that must be overcome by the couple. She... lost her husband, survived cancer, was raped, was abused, is being stalked, etc. These are all extremely serious issues.

I've noticed that these story lines are in a majority of contemporary novels these days - or at least it feels that way. Even if it's not mentioned on the back cover, it's still in the plot. And my question is... why do we feel the need to add such serious drama to our contemporary romance story lines? 

I remember a time when the drama was entirely about whether or not the couple would fall in love. Isn't that drama enough? Why is there the need to add more? Do these serious issues have their place in romance? Absolutely. Because they do happen to real people and we love to see someone who has been hurt find happiness. I'm not saying that these aren't important issues, or worthy of reading by any means. And, of course, they can add a lot of emotion to the story.

But, my personal opinion, is that these topics belong perhaps more in the women's fiction space - Nicholas Sparks is a good example of doing these very well. But I'm a little tired of seeing them in the series romance - Harlequin-style. I prefer "lighter" topics in these books because they are my escape. Keep the sheikhs, and the cattle barons, and the billionaires, but keep it lighter people.

Who's with me? And who prefers the drama?
 A $40 Amazon/B&N Giftcard or a Book Depository shopping spree of the same value, plus the first three books of the Svatura series will be given away as digital copies. Open Internationally. Ends 7/7. Void where prohibited.

. a Rafflecopter giveaway

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