
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Under the Heavens by Amish Horse Series Book 1 by Thomas Nye Book Review

Under the Heavens by Thomas Nye,  Book 1   in The Horse Series,  is a novel about a teen age boy who is at the age where he wants to know who he is and who are his ancestors. Lenny has to go to stay with his  Grandfather, who is Amish, when he makes him leave his city life and come to see him over the summer. During that time he learns all that he can about being a farmer and living very peaceful. Will it be easy for a boy who has only lived in the fast paced world be able to live in  a totally different kind of world than he has ever known? I was very surprised at the story of Lenny and his Grandfather's life before they spent time with each other and the difference after they had that experience. The author has written a story of love, family, forgiveness and being open to change, even when you do not want it. While having the summer of his young life he figures out a secret that will change everyone's life forever. I was happy and sad throughout the book.  I give this book a 4/5.  I was given this book by Bookcrash reviews and all opinions are my own.

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