3 Partners In Shopping, Nana, Mommy & Sissy

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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Mother's Day Giveaway Hop

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Welcome to the Mother's Day Giveaway Hop
From May 1-11 you can hop around the list of bloggers below
and enter to win prizes worth at least $25.
Good luck! Enjoy your May flowers!

My prize is...

I am giving away a relaxation prize pack. A book, a candle, etc. I am also giving away some items for date night! Please enter here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. My first mother's day. My daughter was a premie and was still in the hospital. Holding her on Mother's Day was a special treat!

  2. My teen daughter giving me a Mom and Me scrapbook!!

  3. My favorite Mother's day memory was the year my son was born. It was so amazing to hold my tiny fella in my arms and know how special my life had become.

  4. favorite would be the last time my family was all together on Mothers Day-we had a BBQ

    tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

  5. The first cake I ever baked on my own was for my Grandma while she was visiting on Mother's Day..she was really surprised (probably that it was edible!)

  6. Was the year my brothers and I got my mom tickets to a series of musicals at the Fox in Atlanta, she was so happy.

  7. The first one when my son bought me flowers.

  8. My most favorite memory on Mother's Day is when all of us Mother's were together. We all went out to dinner together. my Mother, my Sisters , my Niece and myself with all our families. We actually had 4 generations all together that day.

  9. I loved my first Mother's Day as a mother. I adore my sweet babies!

  10. I don't guess I have one. Maybe this year will be the memory I cherish, I'm taking my mom out.

  11. I told my Mom I was pregnant on Mothers Day

  12. This year's Mother's Day brunch at my daughter's preschool. It was priceless!

  13. When we had the entire family together from across the country

  14. last night my culinary college student made me a homemade from scratch gourmet meal - he planned it and shopped - it was fantastic - loved it!

