
Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Asylum by AA Pencil Guest Post and Giveaway

About the book:-

"I am Melissa Andrews, a prisoner in this forlorn excuse for a psychiatric treatment center."

Melissa Andrews is scheduled for execution by lethal injection but wakes up in a secluded mental asylum with its own dark secrets.

When her questions are unanswered, she has no choice but to form alliances and infiltrate her captors' barriers. Little does she know that she is at the center of one of the asylum's major plots.

What will she uncover about the institution and herself and will she find a way to escape before it's too late?

About the First book - The Reunion:-

C. Moore Catholic High School's 10-year reunion was organized as many reunions are - to reminisce, to see who had made a success of their lives, and in truth, to gossip on who had not. But this party in the secluded, 1890's mansion once owned by a long dead, paranoid WWII Veteran, was to become anything but typical. After a horrible accident within the mansion, the alumni realize they are locked in and fighting for their lives. Instantly, tempers rise and fingers are pointed as the number of living alumni begins to rapidly decrease. Theories range from there being a murderer in the midst to the mansion possibly being haunted by the previous owner's ghost. Who or what is responsible and will anyone make it out alive? Find out for yourself in this combination of a mystery and psychological thriller, with a twisted ending!

About the Prelude - Advent of Perpetual Sorrows:-

Evil lurks in the land and attaches its curse to all who enter it! In Advent of Perpetual Sorrows, AA Pencil brings to life the history of one such piece of land. Transporting you back to the days prior to the Civil War, you learn how the curse began for these lost souls. 

This story is approximately 80 pages and is the Prelude to the Beneath the Trap Door Series ~ 
Praise for AA Pencil's "The Reunion" Book 1 of the Beneath the Trap Door Series: 

With each turn of the page, you will find yourself clenching your fists, curling your toes, and screaming at the characters, “Don’t go in that room,” and “stay together!” - JM LeDuc Author of "Cornerstone" 

This story evokes strong feelings for the characters. You’ll love one and hate another. You’ll feel sorry for one or hope that a certain character dies! - JW Conway 

“The Reunion” is riddled with twists and turns." - EM MacCallum 

The Basics
Assumed Name:
Melissa Andrews
Full Name:
Melissa Andrews-Pitaro
Place of Birth:
New York, USA

Physical Appearance
Body Type:
Dark Brown
Dark Brown
Due to prison fights
Anarchy symbol on inner wrist
Racial Distinctions:
Any Other Physical Distinctions:
A lump located at her inner wrist.
Family Relationships
Believed to have died during childbirth
Relationship with Mother:
Relationship with Father:
Relationship with siblings:
Other Relatives:
Revealed as the book unravels
Relationships with other relatives:
Almost family members:
Reason for closeness:
Social Relationships
Sexual Orientation:
Romantically Involved:
Romance short lived when she grows suspicios
Martial Status:
Ryan Pitaro
1; Robert Pitaro (Robbie)
No friends; anti-social
Dr. Travis and Nurse Gallagher
Personal Characteristics
Physical Strengths:
Physical Weaknesses:
Mental Strengths:
Independent, cunning
Mental Weaknesses:
Suspicious, guarded
The occasional cheap shot
When occasionally escapes her room
Hides her theories and clues.
One of her strengths
Encourages this for one character
Assumes leadership position
Uses this to create allies
Foster child in many homes; lonely
Teenage Years:
Independent, anti-social, suspicious

More Details
How would you describe your life overall?
Dreadful and tragic.
What is your most memorable moment?
Falling in love with Ryan Pitaro.
What has been the most important event in your life?
Having my son, Robbie, the only person who truly loved me.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Putting up with people’s stupidity.
What is your number one regret?
Falling in love with Ryan Pitaro.
When were you the most afraid?
When I plotted to have someone killed but the order was misunderstood.
What is your greatest fear? Why?
Being trapped forever whether in a cell or this asylum.
What is the most honorable or “good” thing you’ve ever done?
Not killing everyone who annoys me. J
What is the most “evil” thing you have ever done?
Ordered a hit on someone.
Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.
My car was stuck in the snow and a stranger offered to help. I rejected his offer but he was persistent. I fell for him when I realized that his motives were pure and that he wanted nothing in return.
Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor/relative? Does that affect you?
You’ll find out when you read my story.
Do you have any secrets? If so, what are they?
My fellow inmates and the staff at this asylum know what I did and so will you.
What three words would you use to best describe your personality?
I am observant, strong and intelligent.
What three words would others probably use to describe you?
Suspicious, cunning and angry.
Why are you risking your life to adventure?
The real question is why are THEY risking my life to adventure.
Do you tend to argue with people or avoid conflict?
I stay in my corner but I put on my boxing gloves if even your shadow comes too close.
Are you a listener or a talker?
I’m a listener.
How long does it take for you to trust others?
I rarely trust others. Everyone wants something. Everyone’s hiding something.
Do you hold grudges?
I do hold grudges. Once you lose or abuse my trust. It’s over.
Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
I’m not social. I’d prefer not to be in groups or interact with people.
Do you like interacting with large groups of people?
Definitely not.
Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
Personal Emotions
What makes you sad? Happy? Mad? Why?
Reflecting on what I thought would be the perfect family makes me sad. Getting valuable information makes me happy. Being denied answers, imprisonment and thinking of how I was betrayed makes me angry.
Do you have any biases or prejudices?
Not really but the staff here sure are bias towards the patients. Apparently, everyone gets burgers, sandwiches and soda for lunch and I get slop and flavored water.
What do you think of love?
Rare, hard to find; temporary.
Do you believe in self-sacrifice for the greater good?
I believe in my own self-preservation. People aren’t worth dying for.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I would’ve liked a more stable beginning rather than being subjected to multiple foster homes.
Personal Relationships
Who is the most important person in your life and why?
My son, Robbie—innocent and loving.
Who is the person you respect the most? Despise the most? Why?
I respect myself the most. Why? Because I am my own advocate. I may have my flaws but at the end of the day, I take care of myself. I despise the woman who turned my life upside down after I paid her off to help me.

What are your goals?
To find out why I am in this wretched place and then escape it.
What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?
To experience true freedom and peace of mind.
Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten years? Twenty years?
Anywhere but here.
If you could choose, how would you want to die?
I was scheduled to die by lethal injection. We’ll see what happens.
What is the one thing you would like to be remembered for after your death?
I’d probably be cremated and forgotten but I’d like to be remembered as self-reliant, resourceful anarchist.

About the Author:-

A. A. Pencil works part time as a school nurse at an all-boys Catholic school in New York City. As a Lupus survivor, she uses writing as a significant part of her therapy and you will see influences from classical writers such as Agatha Christie and Edgar Alan Poe in her work. When not working or writing, she enjoys cooking, shopping and walking. She has sponsored a child in Mexico for over three years with a children's organization. She currently lives in a borough of New York City with her extended family who are her greatest supporters.

Some Very Important Link :-


Tour Schedule:-

10th May, 2014 - The 'A' - Jurnale - Special sneak peek & Giveaway
11th May, 2014 - 3 Partners in Shopping - Guest Post & Giveaway
12th May, 2014 - Book Club Sisters
13th May, 2014 - Deal Sharing Aunt -  Author Interview & Giveaway
14th May, 2014 - Books, Authors, Blogs - Guest Post & Giveaway
15th May, 2014 -
16th May, 2014 - Scorpian Scribes - Guest Post & Giveaway
                            Agapa Reads
                            TnT Reviews1 - Review & Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this with us <3

  2. [I have entered the tour wide giveaway as Tista Ray.]

    Thanks for the giveaway.
