
Monday, May 12, 2014

2014 Relish Reusable Giveaway Hop


 Welcome to the 2014 Relish Reusable Giveaway Hop hosted by Measuring Flower and Slightly Steady! I have teamed up with our hosts and a bunch of other amazing bloggers to bring you a variety of eco-friendly, reusable prizes each worth at least $50! So after you enter my giveaway below, be sure to "hop" on to the next blog to enter their giveaway, as well. You can find a list with links to all the participating blogs towards the bottom of this post.
Also, don't forget to check out the event's grand prize! It's an incredible $300 gift card to MightyNest! MightyNest is a great go-to source for eco-friendly, healthful products for your home and garden. One neat thing about MightyNest is how they're giving back by doing a fundraiser known as MightyNest for Schools. The MightyNest for Schools program generously supports the school of your choice when you buy any of their high-quality, eco-friendly, healthy gear, by donating 15% of your purchase. MightyNest further engages your school community in healthy living with great tips, challenges, and pledges. For more info, visit MightyNest for Schools.
I am giving away some reusable items to help you get through the summer! Please enter here:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

This event brought to you by Measuring Flower Events.
Disclosure: 3 Ps is not responsible for fulfilling grand prize or other prizes in this hop.


  1. I reuse all paper bags that come in the house, either as gift wrapping base or to collect my rubber bands in.

  2. Think before you throw something away!

  3. All paper with a blank side gets torn into quarters, there's a stack of scratch paper in the kitchen and the office. Very handy! Alona Y in rafflecoptor.

  4. Always imagine if that product you are about to throw away can be used for something else or can be recycled.

  5. I always take reusable grocery bags with me when I shop. So easy to keep them in my purse or car

  6. I bring my own reusable coffee mugs, shopping bags, and takeout containers.

  7. Use cloth diapers and cloth wipes. :)

  8. Use cloth diapers! I tell anyone that will listen how great the really are! :-)

  9. I reuse my bags from the store and I use plastic food containers for my seeds in the garden to keep them in

  10. Using reusable shopping bags is great. They are better made than the plastic ones and can hold more items. Often stores will give you a slight discount, too.

  11. I use plastic straws, and love my cloth diapers and wipes!

    -Hannah Avery

  12. We bottle our water in glass bottles and it tastes so great and is refreshing. and that way we don't use plastic bottles

  13. Hi! I use the plastic bags from the grocery store to clean my cat box. At least their being used and something else isn't getting wasted. Thank-you!

  14. Reduce, reuse, recycle can apply to everything!

  15. we turn old bath and beach towels into dog towels to wipe paws

  16. I reuse plastic baggies! A quick wash and you can reuse them several times.

  17. Use reusable shopping bags and put them back in your car right after you unload your groceries - otherwise it's too easy to forget them!

  18. Refuse plastic and invest in some glass straws. Grow your own food!

  19. Use old dryer sheets to pick up lint!

  20. Use cloth diapers. It's not as bad as you think.

  21. Before getting rid of something I search online for something else it can be used for. I am so surprised at the things that I used to throw away when they can be recycled into something else. I have found so many reuses on pinterest which is my favorite site to find anything I need.

  22. Buy at thrift stores. You're reusing clothes and things.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com
