
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Stepping Off a Cliff by Doug Dillon Promotional Event

Title:  Stepping Off A Cliff
Author:  Doug Dillon
The St. Augustine Trilogy: Book II
Length:  321 Pages
Genre: YA Paranormal
Released:  Nov. 29, 2013


“Mr. Lobo, sir.” Carla interrupted him, with just a hint of sarcasm. “Could you please cut the meteorology report and one of you two tell me about your little walk?” She fired a quick glance at me and went back to eyeballing Lobo.

I loved it how she emphasized the word Mr., just the way Lobo had addressed me when I first met him—Mr. Golden.

His eyes glittering, Lobo crammed half a pizza slice into his mouth instead of responding immediately. Chewing slowly, just to teach her a lesson, I was sure, his gaze never wavered even when he grabbed his bottle of beer and washed down that last bit of food.

Arms crossed in front of her, Carla stared back at him with arched eyebrows, waiting for her answer.

“Patience, young lady, patience,” Lobo growled as he wiped his lips with a napkin. At the words, “young lady,” Carla’s jaw muscles tightened and she fixed him with a smoldering stare of her own. She hates it when adults call her that.

“I’ll tell you,” I said, also getting tired of Lobo’s delaying, lesson-teaching tactics. So for the next fifteen or twenty minutes as we continued to eat, and with Lobo eventually helping, I told her about the walk he and I had taken. So between the two of us, she got it all—Lobo’s statement about Mom’s visit as a warning, his sense of a coming and possibly dangerous event, the visit to my old house, the dragonflies up on San Marco and lastly, my experience with Frozen Time.

As we finished, she looked at me in disbelief, her eyes wide. “Frozen Time? It was you who did that? On the battlefield back in December?” Her expression seemed to say, “My, my, look at you.”

“Jeff’s ability to freeze time and your ability to manipulate matter and energy,” Lobo told Carla, “might well be needed if indeed this warning by Jeff’s mother proves valid.”

“Lobo,” Carla said. “You keep talking about this warning from Jeff’s mom combined with your own perceptions about an event that could occur, but you won’t tell us what you know. Come on! The more we understand, the better prepared we’ll be.”

You go, girl! She was so on target.

About the Author
A former award-winning educator, Doug writes about things paranormal and historical. His interest in the paranormal comes from personal experiences as detailed in the nonfiction adult book he and wife wrote titled, AN EXPLOSION OF BEING: AN AMERICAN FAMILY'S JOURNEY INTO THE PSYCHIC. Out of those events and extensive historical research, he created SLIDING BENEATH THE SURFACE for young adults, Book I of the St. Augustine Trilogy. Doug set his trilogy in the oldest and most haunted city in the United States, St. Augustine, Florida not only for those reasons, but also because it's his favorite place to visit. Books II and III of the trilogy are on the way.

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