
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Pets Rock Giveaway Hop

Many of us bloggers love our pets. Whether they are furry, slimy, lazy or crawly, we love to take care of them, as they do us. In honor of our pets, Cheap Is The New Classy will be hosting the Pets Rock Giveaway Hop from April 1st – 15th! This hop is pet themed, but the prizes are either for your pets or for humans, as long as they have something to do with pets. I am giving away a book about cats and a cat collar.   please enter here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Check out the other great giveaways here:


  1. I agree - Pets Rock!! :) Thanks for the great giveaway.

  2. Thanks for this giveaway. I could really use a book about cats since we got our two almost a year ago. I don't understand them, I love them, but they are a mystery.

  3. I love my cats. I am happy you are giving something away for cats.
    Shelia S

  4. Thanks for this awesome giveaway.

  5. Our dog is a part of our family. I'm glad you do hops like this.
    Sherry Compton

  6. Thank you so much for the giveaway! I love my two Boston Terriers!

  7. Thanks for the great giveaway. I have five dogs and three cats, so anything I am able to win is icing on the cake.

  8. My hubby is napping, my cats are napping and the house is quiet and it is raining outside today, good day for naps. Thank you have a great day

  9. Thank you for the giveaway, my kitty could sure use a new collar

  10. We have 2 kitties that would love to win this giveaway.

  11. This is an awesome giveaway. Happy Spring!!!

  12. I would love to win this for my cat Buddy thanks for the chance.

  13. Sometime wish I had a pet rock instead of my Boxer. He is 80 pounds, very big for a boxer, but thinks he's a lap dog. =)

    Rachael Ashcraft

  14. Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway.

  15. I have 5 cats!
    Frankylou who is a rescue (hes 9)
    Diamond who was a barn kitten shes 9
    Patchleigh was found as a kitten under a cat shes 7
    Asa and Raiden are twin persians, not rescues, but Raiden has brain damage. -_- lol but hes still cute and lovable. just not all there in the head.
