
Monday, March 3, 2014

Watchers of Worlds by Brinda Berry Book Blitz and Giveaway

Watcher of Worlds (Whispering Woods #3)
Release Date: 12/17/13

Summary from Goodreads:
Senior year should bring fun, friends, and happiness. Not portals, treachery, and murder.

Seventeen-year-old Mia Taylor, gatekeeper to an interdimensional portal, wants nothing more than to heal from her romance gone wrong. Illegally falling for her co-worker Regulus had been a huge mistake. But when Regulus goes rogue to hunt down a murderer, Mia must forget her broken heart and use her unique abilities to save him. Traveling across dimensions, she enters a strange and hostile world where a rebel faction holds the key to their escape. Her gift of synesthesia is in high demand, and a secret organization of the otherworldly kind has her in their sights. But sabotage and murder may be the least of her worries. Her ex-boyfriend wants a relationship. Her dad wants her to act normal. Her friends want her to stop moping. Who knew faking happy would be the easiest part of senior year?

Available from:


The doorbell rang. I leaped off the barstool and hurtled for the door, desperate to relieve the boredom. I flung open the door, not really surprised that the person in front of me would be able to show up at the last minute on Christmas Eve night. The wind blew the door open wide and I hugged my arms around my body.

My ex-boyfriend Regulus stood staring me.

His dark hair curled along the edge of his cream wool turtleneck and a shy smile teased one corner of his mouth. He held a brown box tucked under his arm and had one hand shoved into his jeans pocket.

I knew I was only a synesthete and couldn’t make time stop, but I’d swear the clock hands stood still. In the moment we stood silent, a boa constrictor of jealousy wrapped around my throat.

Was Regulus attracted to that girl Arizona had mentioned? Had he kissed her? Was he dating her?

Arizona shoved him out of the doorway. “Dude, I’m freezing here.” Arizona maneuvered around Regulus’s still body in the doorway. He leaned forward and gave me a hug. Although I generally avoid the touchy feely stuff, I let Arizona give me a friendly squeeze.

Look what I brought,” Arizona said, holding a piece of mistletoe high in the air.

In your dreams,” I said and shoved his arm with a laugh.

Dad stood framed in the kitchen doorway. He smiled at Arizona, then looked at Regulus. “Son, come on in.” My stomach twisted when I heard him say ‘son.’ He hadn’t done that before. I didn’t think Dad had cared very much for Regulus while we dated.

I stepped back from the door, embarrassed at the ogling that I’d vowed to never do again with Regulus. Biscuit, who had been glued to Dad’s side begging for food in the kitchen, ran to the door to greet our visitors. He ran circles around them in that happy dog way.

I’m glad you both could come. At such short notice and everything.” Arizona travelled across the family room, peering around corners. Regulus’s direct stare sent tingly warmth to my face.

Where is the Christmas tree?” Arizona scouted ahead.

No tree.” I answered. “We didn’t do that this year.”

Dad came forward and took Arizona’s coat and held out his hand for Regulus’s. “It’s my fault. Mia said she didn’t care whether we had one or not, so we didn’t.”

Arizona looked like a kid who’d lost his best friend. “I thought everyone put one up at Christmas. I was looking forward to it.” He flopped into Dad’s recliner.

Dad gave me a look. His face said that he thought Arizona was a single digit on the IQ scale. I grinned.

About the Author
Brinda Berry lives in the southern US with her family and two spunky cairn terriers. She has a BSE in English and French and a MEd in Learning Systems Technology. She's terribly fond of chocolate, coffee, and books that take her away from reality. She doesn't mind being called a geek or “crazy dog lady”. When she's not working the day job or writing a novel, she's guilty of surfing the internet for no good reason.

Author Links:
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Book Blitz Organized by:
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I think it would be cool to do that if given the chance.

  2. I think I might! It would be fascinating.
