
Monday, March 31, 2014

The Zombie Next Door by T.W. Kirchner Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway

The Zombie Next Door

The Troubled Souls of Goldie Rich

Book One

T.W. Kirchner

Genre: YA Paranormal

Publisher: Short on Time Books

Date of Publication: February 1, 2014

ISBN: 1494906864


Number of pages: 102 pages

Word Count: 32,421

Cover Artist: Tony Bryson

Available at Amazon

Book Description:

For the sleepy, seaside town of Vivian, life is usually just another day at the beach until a rash of bizarre robberies occur with one thing in common—the DNA lifted from the crime scene belongs to a dead man. Fourteen-year-old Goldie Rich is hardly concerned about that. She has enough problems dealing with her annoying guardian for the summer, older sister Gema.

Goldie’s problems escalate when she finds a pendant necklace washed up on the beach. The pendant contains the souls of zombies created by an evil sorcerer. Goldie must wear the necklace until she frees the souls, but to accomplish this, she has to confront the zombies face to face.

Goldie seeks help from her best friend, eccentric and free-spirited Rita. Although the pair’s zombie hunting exploits get them into huge trouble, they uncover the truth about the town’s robberies and how the secrets of Goldie’s past will define her future.

About the Author

After working an assortment of jobs which include a computer programmer, marketing director, and substitute teacher, T.W. Kirchner decided to concentrate on her second loves, writing and art. Her first loves are her husband, two children, and furry menagerie known as the Kirchner Zoo. Other published books by T.W. Kirchner include Pirates Off the Deep End and Pirates Off the Wall.

Tour wide giveaway $10 Amazon Gift Card

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'd like to thank 3 Partners in Shopping for hosting The Zombie Next Door!

  2. Sounds like a great book! Thanks for the giveaway!

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