
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Summer of Joy by Ann H. Gabhart Book Review


As summer draws to a close Jocie's world seems serene--but is it just the calm before a storm?
Unbeknownst to Jocie Brooke and her family, two people are making their way to the small town of Hollyhill, Kentucky. One everyone thought was gone for good and the other no one's ever heard of. Still, one thing is sure--they promise trouble. The past is coming to call, threatening to destroy strong relationships that everyone has simply taken for granted.

The summer of 1964 may be winding down, but the controversy in this little community where nothing ever seems to change is just heating up.

Bestselling author Ann Gabhart invites you to Hollyhill for a story both exciting and enduring that will stick with you long after you turn the last page.

Ann H. Gabhart is the bestselling author of several novels, including Angel Sister, Small Town Girl, Scent of Lilacs, and Orchard of Hope. She lives with her husband a mile from where she was born in rural Kentucky. Find out more at

Ann H. Gabhart
Ann H. Gabhart is the bestselling author of Angel Sister, Small Town Girl, and Words Spoken True, as well as several Shaker novels--The Outsider, The Believer, The Seeker, The Blessed, and The Gifted--and...
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My review;
This is the first book that I have read from the author Ann. H. Gabbart. The book, "Summer of Hope", was a book that had many stories and mysteries going on at once but were all tied together at some point. Jocie is a young girl who wants the best for her family. Just when it looks as if it will finally happen, not one but two, people who want to ruin this happiness show up at the same time. The family will have to stick together if they hope to get their deserved second chance at happiness. Their faith in God will have to show them the way.  I give this book a 4/5. I was given this book by Revell Publishing Company and all opinions are my own.

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