
Friday, March 21, 2014

Gabby Angel of God Guardian and Messenger by Greg Sandora Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway

Gabby: Angel of God: Guardian and Messenger
by Greg Sandora

I’m originally from the Portland, Maine area and lived and worked there for years before moving to Southwest Florida. I am currently working on the sequel to Jack Canon’s American Destiny – which will be titled Jack Canon Clean Sweep. The sequel will be available in about three months.

My Dad and Mom were artists, my father painted and my mother wrote poetry and loved to garden. Most Saturdays we loaded up the 1970 Chevy Impala to trek to a one man show somewhere or other. I took a different track graduating with a business degree; owning and operating an Award Winning Franchise Fitness Center. Currently a professional manager I am living in Florida with my beautiful wife and children, and following my passion.

Some of my other projects include a children’s book called Sammy the Sea Turtle – about an infant sea turtle taken from his nest the night he was to find his way to the sea. Sammy lives with the family until their son – the boy who took him, graduates from high school. On that day Sammy, backpack in tow – begins the long journey home.
My second project in the works involves angels – a man during a visit to Bar Harbor Maine encounters an angel; quite accidentally, he is told – she was not supposed to make him aware of her existence. Only three others have ever seen the real thing. Naturally he falls hopelessly in love with the beautiful creature.


She had the top down. The wind was blowing her hair into her eyes so she brushed it back. ‘It really is gorgeous,’ she thought, ‘it feels good wearing it long again.’
She reached for her glasses in the glove box. ‘My head is aching, I have to remember to wear them driving. Oh please God, I need this job, I can’t go back home with my tail between my legs, not yet.’ Mom and Dad had been right, warning her not to live with a guy she barely knew. Now that she was determined to call it quits, Kali regretted being so bitchy the day she left.
"I’m twenty-one! You can’t stop me," she screamed at Dad. It hurt her feelings thinking about how sad he looked the day she left.
She opened her eyes wide to keep from tearing, at the same time she was pulling off the two-lane road. The sun had set, from what she could see in the low light, the large gray plank-structure looked like a big old barn.
"Is this some kind of joke," she whispered to herself, unnerved. "Skeletons hanging on the front porch? Really?" The front entry gave the place a macabre feel.
"Shake it off Kali," she gave herself a pep talk. "The bones aren’t real. They’re probably early Halloween decorations." She tried to convince herself of that as she pulled into the dirt parking lot, kicking up a cloud of dust behind her.
Kali sat just long enough for the car’s ripped cloth top to close. She looked back towards the building, a lone bulb shone over the single entry door. It was small for the size building. The muffler was louder than she liked as the engine diesel-rattled to a stop. Sitting alone in the quiet, she heard the faint whisper of Honky-Tonk playing inside.
Kali took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing." She swung her bare legs, heels first, out onto the dirt. Climbing from the low bucket seat was a chore for her, especially wearing a form-fitting mid-thigh skirt.
"I’m cute-sexy, not over the top," she convinced herself, balancing, awkwardly while making her way with her heels digging into the dirt. She slowly made her way to the landing then paused, unsure if she should knock or just barge in like Billy-be-damned. Kali laughed at herself for using one of her father’s favorite expressions.
A quick survey of her black pencil skirt, white-collar-blouse, and black tie revealed that she looked okay. She smoothed the back of her signature outfit, a look she pioneered, and forced a big smile before pushing on the door. Nothing happened, the door didn’t budge.
"That was assertive. Way to make an entrance, Kali!" She critiqued herself. Trying again, this time harder, she kicked the base of the heavy wood door, made contact with the toe pad of her black stilettos, scratching the shiny patent leather.


Author Links:

Book Genre: Supernatural Romance/Thriller
Publisher: Self-Published
Release Date: February 18, 2014

Gabby, Angel of God is a Supernatural Romance Thriller that feels like falling in love again! The story starts out with a young widower, Bo, raising two small children – in the time it takes for three heartbeats his life will change! Ride along as stunningly beautiful Gabby, takes this human man on the no-holds barred adventure of a lifetime! If you've ever lost a loved one this story is for you! A story of Peace, Love, Hope, Charity, and the strength of Faith, you'll love Gabby, Angel of God. Gabby, is not only gorgeous, she’s powerful, and able to take on forces that would make powerful armies turn and run for their lives. – Bo, during a visit to Bar Harbor, Maine encounters beautiful Gabby; quite accidentally, - she is not supposed to make him aware of her existence. His purity of spirit, kindness, and capacity for love has revealed her to him. Watch how easily he falls hopelessly in love with the beautiful creature. Gabby sparkles and shines with divine love, you'll be caught up in the magic in no time. Gabby Angel of God is a heart felt story filled with Adventure, Suspense, and Fantasy that your sure to love. Take the thrilling ride and experience Gabby for yourself.


"I’ve got to go to Brunswick, Bo, would you take me? We could borrow the motorcycle; Wesley won’t need it anymore."
I didn’t want to admit that I’ve never driven a Harley before. I’d driven a few motorbikes when I was a kid, but I didn’t think I could handle a full-size Harley the first time out.
"Who said anything about you driving?" Gabby teased me. She was reading my thoughts again. "You’ll do fine," she added.
"I’ll give it a try." She had wounded my masculine pride so I was determined to rise to the challenge. I jumped onto the bike, propped it upright, and steadied it off the kickstand. Instinctively, I reached for the handgrip, rolled it to quarter throttle and pushed my thumb on the starter button. The bike roared to a deep-throated rumble. I pulled back racing the engine, "Hop on!"
Gabby climbed on the back and sat really close to me on the small seat. She reached her arms around my waist and hugged, laying her head sideways, her cheek to my back. I kicked the gear lever down and heard the tranny knock into place. I operated on instinct and figured it was one down and five up on the gears. Things were coming easier to me. I became convinced that I could drive this hog.
"Hold on," I hollered back, even though she was already holding tight. I gave it some gas, released the clutch, and gave her a half throttle twist as we roared into the street. Barely four seconds into the ride and I had already been through three of the gears. "This is a blast!" I shouted.
"You don’t need to yell, Bo." Gabby switched to talking in my head because of the noise from the motorcycle.
"Oh, sorry." I felt a little bad about yelling. Presumably angels have great hearing.
"You’ll get used to me. Do you really think I’m the prettiest girl you’ve ever seen, Bo?" I could feel her cheek move against my back as she smiled.
"You’re so beautiful my heart is shivering. Even in my dreams I’ve never seen anything so amazing. In all my life I never imagined anyone or anything could be as beautiful as you."
"You’re very certain Bo. Tell me, how many angels have you seen?’
"Just you, but I know beautiful when I see it." My absolute conviction about that came through in my voice.
"Is that so?" Gabby sounded amused.
I was feeling curious. "Gabby, I’ve been thinking about what you’ve said, it’s hard to believe there are angels guarding the outer edges of the earth."
"Didn’t you pay attention in science class – you remember the earth is spinning at a thousand miles an hour and traveling through space at eighteen miles per second, but angels protecting it is the part you find too amazing to believe?"
"Well, when you put it like that."
"Every morning you wake to a glowing red fireball in the sky and it doesn’t make you think, who put it there?" Gabby seemed to be in full instructional-angel mode.
"It seems ridiculous when you put it like that. The idea that there could be such powerful and awe-inspiring phenomenon in the universe with no Creator behind them seems absurd. Here I am riding down route one, on a Harley I didn’t even know how to drive – having the deepest metaphysical conversation of my life – with the most gorgeous woman ever – and it’s a telepathic conversation at that! I better not wake up and realize this is a dream!"
A few silky strands of Gabby’s hair were blown by the wind to caress my cheek. "Don’t worry, you’re not dreaming – in fact this is probably the most real experience you’ve ever had."
I realized she was right. "That’s true! I feel more awake and alive than I’ve ever been. I feel stronger than I’ve ever felt. I love being with you."
"Don’t get too attached." Gabby warned me. "I’m only here for two weeks in Earth time, Bo. That’s all the time I have and then I have to leave."
"You’re my dream come true Gabby. Isn’t there any way that you can stay longer?"
"That’s not up to me Bo. That decision was made long before you were born. Let’s just enjoy each other while I’m here, okay?" Gabby sounded a little sad.
"Okay, I want to spend every moment I can with you."
"There is one thing that you could do for me if we are going to spend this time together." Gabby sounded cautious.
"I want to be a girl, you know, in between our assignments. I want to have some fun."
I was a little confused. "You said you were a girl. What do you mean, Gabby?"
"I said I’m a female angel. There is a difference. I want to live as a girl, a human girl, try it out – to see what it’s like, okay? Will you treat me like a girl, Bo?" Now she sounded a bit wistful.
I was excited by the chance to do this for her. "You got it! It will be my pleasure."