
Monday, March 31, 2014

DAYBOX Extra-large Weekly Pill Box With Eight Detachable Day Cases Review

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.
The DAYBOX pill box is Sabi's largest pill box, a weekly pill organizer for medication management featuring eight pill boxes, each inscribed with the day of the week (plus one extra!) and each with three extra-spacious pill box compartments, suitable for storing a large number of large-sized pills, vitamins and supplements. Eight individual daily pill boxes clip together to form a beautiful weekly pill box and easily detach so you can tote with you one daily pill box at a time.
Each daily pill box is covered with a soft peel-back rubber lid that is easy on the hands to open and close, making loading with pills easy. Rounded compartments make extracting pills easy as well. The individual daily pill box fits well into any purse, bag or briefcase.
The DAYBOX weekly pill box makes it possible for even the heaviest pill, vitamin and supplement user to tote and take their pills in style.

DAYBOX is made by Sabi:
Twitter: @sabi_brand

My review;
This is really great for someone who has trouble remembering which pills to take and if they have already taken them that day. This is a great size for travel, also.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers

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