
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Science Experiments, Girl Scout Cookies, Tons of Snow and More

                                                Homeschool Update

    Yesterday we had around the house. A pencil, pen. k-cup for coffee, empty soda bottle, a boat, a match box car, and more. We were watching to see which would float and which would sink. Bobo and Sissy guessed and they were almost always right.
    Then Mommy brought in a real pumpkin that is still okay from Halloween, believe it or not.  We all said it would sink. We are not sure why but Bobo said it would float, Auntie Lala did not guess she already knew the answer. I was totally shocked like the rest of us when it FLOATED !  We realized then that it was because the inside is almost all hollow. I guess you learn something new everyday.
   Bobo and Sissy are really doing well in their studies. We have been having such a bad winter with so much snow that we are thankful that we do not have to worry if they will have a snow day and if the kids will be safe while travelling.
     Sissy sold over 170 boxes of Girl Scout cookies thanks to all of us taking her door to door in the cold weather, one driving and one walking a few houses with Sissy and then getting in the warm car, and Daddy getting orders at work.  The fun is going to come in a few weeks when Mommy and Daddy with help from our other relatives have to pick up over 90 cases and sort them out for the troop because Mommy is the cookie manager!
     Sissy has started reading wonderful chapter books about rainbow fairies and more. We have Mommy's favorite set of books, The Little House on The Prairie ready for her when she wants to read them. Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys sets are almost complete and that's waiting for the kids, too.                       
                Bobo is starting to read with sight words. But he is a lot better in Math. We are having fun thinking about different things to learn while having fun. We went to the Museum at Foxwoods in Connecticut and learned not only the history of the Indians but the history of earth and man from the ice age. Mommy bought the membership for a year and they can go whenever they want.


  1. I remember Girl Scout cookies! Our living and dinning room would be filled with cases since both my sister and I had to sell them. Well, more like sold half of them, because we would end up eating the other half.

    I cannot wait for my son to be able to read chapter books. I have my complete sets of Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys waiting too. I also believe you about the pumpkin, we still have one that my son painted. :)

    Stopping by from #SITSBlogging.

  2. That is awesome that your kids are reading some classics! Good experiment too! Love from SITS
