
Monday, January 6, 2014

Othello by C.E. Wilson Book Blitz and Giveaway

Othello (Shakespeare for Everyone Else, #2)
Release Date: 2013

Summary from Goodreads:
Shakespeare’s work features some of the most memorable stories and characters ever created, yet for too many curious readers the combination of ultra-dense dialogue and unfamiliar historical settings make tackling the Bard’s work something between a tedious chore and a confusing mess of bird-bolts and quondam carpet-mongers.

While it’s nearly impossible to replicate or improve on these works, it is (thanks to their timeless nature) possible to make them more accessible to a wider audience.

In this Young Adult retelling of one of William Shakespeare’s most memorable plays, join C.E. Wilson as she breathes new life into Othello, the second book in her series Shakespeare for Everyone Else.

Available from:
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Stop!” Roderick said. “I don’t want to hear about it. If you’re so miserable being his treasurer then quit. Who cares, you know? You’ve already been rejected—”

So then I’ll have a rep as a quitter? Give me a break, I’ll stick it out. I wasn’t raised to give up when things get shitty. Besides, with me serving under him, I’m pretty sure I’m at an advantage. Orion trusts me – he doesn’t know how my mind works. He thinks I’m perfectly okay being passed over for Micah but he has no idea I’m against him. At the end of the day, I will serve my post well,” he said sarcastically while giving a mock salute. “I care about the school and I care about my reputation, but let me tell you this, Roderick. I’m not the friendly nice guy everyone thinks I am.”

Roderick lifted up his head, looking at his friend curiously. “If Orion really believes you’re working for him then he’s stupider than he looks. But what are we going to do about him dating Devony? How am I supposed to land her for myself if she’s actually with him?”

I have an idea.”

If you are a blogger and would like to request a review copy, sign up below!

Book One:
(linked to Goodreads)

Praise for the first book Much Ado About Nothing in new YA series, Shakespeare for Everyone Else:
“If you’re a fan of Shakespeare, I say, give this a go. And even if you have attempted Shakespeare, but haven’t been able to get past the language, pick up this edition and enjoy.” ~The Turning Pages~

“I definitely recommend this to all the Shakespeare lovers, especially if you're a young adult yourself, or really enjoy reading YA books.”  ~Angelic Reviews~

“The writing is beautiful, as C.E. Wilson was able to keep the poetic tone of the story. My love for YA stories has been restored!”  ~NWA Gossip Girl~

About the Author
C.E. Wilson is currently living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with her husband and her two dogs and two cats. They are all the loves of her life. When she’s not writing young adult fantasy novels, she enjoys writing short stories on her Deviant Art page. She loves to write stories involving giants and little people (also known as GT) and nothing helps her to write more than Coca-Cola and glazed doughnut holes.

Author Links:
 photo iconwebsite-32x32_zps1f477f69.png  photo icongoodreads32_zps60f83491.png  

5 ebooks of Othello (INT)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Blitz Organized by:

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