
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Love Songs For the Road by Farrah Taylor Book Tour and Giveaway

Love Songs For the Road

Farrah Taylor

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Publisher: Entangled Publishing - Bliss

Date of Publication: January 13, 2014

ISBN: 9781622661640


Number of pages: 220

Cover Artist: Jessica Cantor

Book Description:

A rock star. The nanny. A love that could rock their world.

The only thing rock star Marcus Troy loves more than making music is his kids. So finding just the right nanny to take on tour with them is important—as is proving to his ex he deserves joint custody. Falling for his employee wouldn’t just be fodder for the paparazzi: it could ruin everything.

Too bad the perfect nanny turns out to be beautiful, vibrant Ryan Evans. Ryan’s never left her small Montana town before, so she jumps at the chance to see the country. And as much as accidental fame doesn’t gel with shy Ryan, what does is her relationship with her capricious, smoking-hot, shockingly good dad of a boss. Marcus is nothing like what she expected. But when the whole world’s watching them, will life in the spotlight be too hot to handle?

Whoa,” Ryan said under her breath. She had never

seen a male form so beautiful. Marcus’s skin was perfectly

bronzed, his chest bare and sculpted. His shoulders were

broad as a swimmer’s, and his arms were covered in sexy,

intricate tattoos. His brown hair had a slight wave to it.

She couldn’t see his eyes, of course, though she did take

note of his high cheekbones and strong jawline. To features

like those, she had no objection. But it was his rock-hard

abdomen that made Ryan feel so light-headed she found

herself looking for the nearest place to sit. Even as Marcus

lay still, his insanely defined abs seemed to shimmer when

they caught the sunlight coming through the window.

But as much as she was enjoying the view, Ryan was

a little freaked out, too. What was going on here? Had a

girlfriend of Marcus’s tied him up and left him here after a

kinky sexcapade? Had a groupie stalked him and inflicted

some kind of horrible revenge fantasy on him? She covered

her eyes with her hand, but then, she peeked through her

fingers. It seemed wrong, but she just couldn’t help herself.

Slowly, a smile curled across Marcus’s lips, but still

he said nothing. He seemed to be waiting for something,

moving his neck slightly as if to better listen. Turning his

head toward Ryan and Serena, he raised his index finger to

his lips. Why was he shushing them?

Suddenly, a closet door across the room swung open, and

two children ran out toward Marcus, screaming—a boy of

four or five carrying a plastic ax and a girl who looked about

ten wielding an enormous Nerf bat and wearing a football

helmet. Their battle cries were so shrill that Serena stuck

her fingers in her ears, while the children began beating the

hell out of their dad, who tried and failed to defend himself

against the punishing blows.

Do you surrender, prisoner?” the girl demanded. She

kept her game face on. She was something fierce.

The boy was giggling, though, as he repeated his sister’s

words. “Surrendah! Surrendah!”

I give up! I’ve had enough,” Marcus cried, his fear and

terror sounding real enough. “Just don’t hurt me anymore. I

can’t take the pain!”

The children collapsed into giggles and fell upon their

father. Of course, it wasn’t every day that Ryan interviewed

with a gorgeous, captive man, but she was nearly as surprised

by the sexy prisoner’s parenting skills. By all appearances,

Marcus was a fantastic dad, easy and affectionate with his

kids, not someone who would leave the child-rearing to

professionals while he wrote chart-topping singles and

bedded breathless groupies.

He took off his blindfold and hopped over to Ryan and

Serena, still struggling with the cloth ties that bound his

ankles and wrists.

Hi, are you the nanny?” he said excitedly.

That’s me,” Ryan said, as calmly as she could manage.

Ryan Evans, at your service.”

I’m Marcus,” he said. “I’d shake your hand, but I’m all tied

up at the moment.”


About the Author:

A reading specialist with a masters degree in Early Childhood Education, Farrah Taylor has taught first grade in Northwest Montana for over a decade. She is thrilled to be publishing her first novel, Love Songs for the Road. Farrah, a lifelong music lover who has spent far too much of her savings on concert tickets, is glad to finally be seeing a return on the investment. She lives with her husband, Ty, and son, Latham, in Polson, Montana.

tour wide giveaway for a $25 Amazon gift card:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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