
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Flirt December Releases Pushing the Limits by Nancy Johnson The Earl's Christmas Colt by Rebecca Thomas Under the Hood by Sally Clements Virtual Book Tour




Entangled Flirt

When a case of mistaken identity puts Cade Tucker in the wrong place at the right time, he can't believe his luck. Drawn to the beautiful Julia McCormack, he flirts his way into her bed, and they welcome the New Year together.

Though they agreed their time together was no-strings-attached sex only, Julia’s having a hard time letting go of the best sex she ever had. She dives into work at her corporate law firm, hoping to get her mind off the man who rocked her world. But then Julia finds out the senior partner has appointed a new attorney to work with her on her biggest case, and her co-counsel will be Cade Tucker. Her plans to make partner are in serious jeopardy when she and Cade disagree on the best legal strategy for their case, but what will happen when they can no longer fight their desire, and the company’s strict non-fraternization policy threatens both of their jobs?

Nancy Fraser has been writing since she was a child, most often on walls and with crayons or (heaven forbid) permanent marker.

Since first becoming published in 1996, Nancy has received numerous five star reviews for her futuristic, time travel romance.

She’s also published in short contemporary, historical romance and is contracted for a series of ten vintage historical romances set during the Golden Decade of Rock & Roll (1955-1964).

When not writing fiction, Nancy likes to spend time with her five wonderful grandchildren.

Twitter: @nfraserauthor


Tour Giveaway:

$15 gift card to the online book retailer of the winner's choice.


Rafflecopter code

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The Earl’s Christmas Colt
Rebecca Thomas

ISBN: 9781622664399

Entangled Flirt

Book Description:

Lady Arabella Sutton is stunned to learn her brother has betrothed her to a stranger despite his promises for a season in London. Although she is the first to admit no man would suit, since she’s more interested in horses than marriage, the last thing she wants is to become a brood mare to a stuffy old earl. Facing a future she cannot abide, she takes an impetuous ride to clear her head and ends up tending her injured mare instead.

Oliver Westwyck, the Earl of Marsdale, can’t believe his luck when he stops at an inn the night before he’s to meet his fiancée. In the stable, while tending the colt he intends to give to his future wife, he happens upon her—rain-drenched but beautiful. She assumes he’s a stable hand, a fine joke he means to end...until Lady Arabella declares all noblemen are egotistical, conceited, and arrogant. How can he reveal his true identity before he’s managed to change her mind and win her heart?

About Rebecca Thomas

I enjoy a love-hate relationship with Alaska, where I live with my husband and two teen-aged sons. While I struggle with some aspects of the 49th state (darkness, cold) I have grown to appreciate the unique things the last frontier has to offer (no traffic, 24 hour daylight, privacy). When I’m not reading, writing, or playing board games, I’m cheering for my sons at their hockey games and tennis matches. I write historical and contemporary romantic fiction and I’m a member of Romance Writers of America.

My first book, a historical romance, will be available on November 25, 2013.

The Blacksmith’s Son is with Entangled Publishing’s Flirt imprint.

Awards: My work has won first place in the Ignite the Flame, Emerald City Opener, Gateway to the Best, and Merritt writing contests.

Giveaway: 10 e-book copies of The Blacksmith's Son by Rebecca Thomas
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Under the Hood

Sally Clements

Entangled Flirt

ISBN: 9781622664405

Book Description:

When sexy mechanic Alice Starr mistakenly believes attorney Mark Jameson needs her help, he discovers he likes being rescued for a change. Smitten by her confidence, he hides his expertise so he has an excuse to see her again.

Starting their new all-female garage, Under the Hood, is keeping Alice and her friends busy. She doesn't have time for a man. But with one kiss, she and Mark have advanced into water so deep she's in danger of drowning. So why hasn't he called?

Mark wants to tell Alice the truth so they can pursue a relationship. But he's got even bigger problems at his office when his bitter aunt threatens Alice’s livelihood. He needs a plan, fast, or else Under the Hood and his chances with Alice could both be ruined.


About the Author:

Sally Clements writes fun, sexy and real contemporary romance, partnering hot heroes with heroines who know what they want, and go for it!

Since her first book was published in 2010, she’s published six more, and is a full-time author. Sally lives in the Irish countryside, and when she isn’t writing can usually be found in traffic, driving ‘Mum’s taxi’.

Always a voracious reader, she considers writing for a living the perfect job—the only downside is saying goodbye to her characters at book’s end!

Twitter: @Sallywriter

Giveaway: $25 Amazon gift card and a custom made Swarovski Crystal necklace made with aquamarine crystal beads and a sterling silver wrench charm. (one person to receive both.)

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