
Friday, January 17, 2014

Chasing Forever Down by Nikki Godwin Blog Tour and Giveaway

Title: Chasing Forever Down (Drenaline Surf #1)

Author: Nikki Godwin

Date of Publication: March 14, 2013

Genre: contemporary YA romance with sports


After seventeen-year-old Haley Sullivan meets a mysterious stranger who plays by his own rules, she's more than determined to learn every trick of the trade from the master himself. But her dream-chasing mentor disappears after that night, and according to the local newspapers, he's been dead for years. Knowing he's very much alive, Haley enlists best friend Linzi to join her on a scavenger-hunt-style road trip that ultimately lands them in the surf town of Crescent Cove, California. Mystery guy is no mystery here, though – he's Colby Taylor, the west coast's biggest professional surfer. 

If Haley wants to talk to the wave rider again, she'll have to get past his four intimidating bodyguards who are highly skilled in the business of sending starstruck fangirls back to where they belong. Haley is up for the challenge if it means chasing her dreams and escaping the perfectly corporate future that's been planned for her. But dealing with these bodyguards isn't exactly what Haley imagined it'd be. Sure, being thrown off a jet ski sucks, but falling in love with one of them might just be worse.


Purchase links: Amazon | B&N | Smashwords


About Nikki Godwin

Nikki Godwin is a Young Adult/New Adult author from the southern USA. She is a city girl who can't live without Mountain Dew, black eyeliner, Hawthorne Heights, and candles from Bath & Body Works. When not writing, she's not-so-secretly internet-stalking her favorite bands. She may or may not completely love One Direction.


“Yeah,” Alston agrees. “So we were thinking that you guys should meet up with us tomorrow and go jet skiing.”

Linzi agrees before I can argue, but I know Reed expects me to decline. I straight up told him last night that I’m not the jet skiing type.

“What time?” I ask.

“Twelve?” Reed asks.

Linzi tells him we’ll be there and says good night to Alston. I’m still in a half-daze as we walk to the car. I strolled up and down this beach tonight wondering where he might be, and he was just up the street, sound asleep in his beach mansion.

“Shoot!” Linzi says. “My tank top is on their couch.”

I hand her my keys. “Go crank up. I’ll go back for it.”

I stay under the streetlights until I get back to their condo. I cut through the sand and hope I can knock on the back door. I hear their voices through the privacy fence around the pool. They’re still outside.

“North Carolina, Alston. It’s just not safe. Something’s not right. You don’t just randomly pick a place like this for a vacation.” Reed’s voice spills through the cracks of the wooden fence.

“So we’ll jet ski tomorrow and they’ll bail. It’s foolproof. A.J. never lets us down, and if we can’t find him, you know Brooks will finish the job,” Alston says.

I cut back through the sand and move through the shadows until I see the parking lot. Heat fills up my face, and now I’m mad enough to curse out the cops. Reed’s nice guy act and Alston’s make-out-with-the-best-friend ploy is not how this is going to end.

“Did you get my shirt?” Linzi asks from the passenger seat when I get in the car.

“They weren’t there,” I lie. I put the car in drive and head toward the hotel. “I guess they decided to go find their friend or something.”

“Oh well. Tomorrow then,” she says through a yawn.

Tomorrow – we’ll go jet skiing.

Tomorrow – we’ll find the party boy.

Tour-wide giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. I loved the excerpt. I can't wait to read the whole book. I loved American girl on Saturn so I know I'll love this too.
