
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

My Hikes Fasteners Review

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

Product Description    

             My Hikes Fasteners help kids and sometimes even moms "hike" up their pants.  These are great and a fantastic idea for anyone that has had to figure out a way to roll up their pants so that they will not ruin them or trip.  Kids love to wear them because they're cute, fun and they work.

They are for use in a variety of situations:
1) Size transitions: Previous size is embarrassingly short, but the next size starts out too long
2) Pants preservation: Kids are "walking off the hems" of that brand new pair of pants and driving mom crazy.
3) Capri style:  Kids can shorten pants to get a capri look or for practical reasons such as water play.
4) All weather:  There will be no more hanging up pants to dry out the cuffs because they were loose and getting in the snow.

My Hikes have passed USA safety tests for use with children of all ages.
Product Options                  
I have six styles currently available (out of princess right now): Butterfly, Flower, Soccer Ball, Train, Baseball, Dump Truck

My Review;

These are a great way to save money. Children grow so fast and they always seem to need the waist size but they are not tall. The really cool part is that they are able to their favorite style. There are some really nice ones.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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