
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Initiation by Rayna Noire Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway


Pagan Eyes

Book 1

Rayna Noire

Genre: Paranormal Time Travel YA/NA

Publisher: Sleeping Dragon

ISBN: 978-0615915807
ISBN: 0615915809
Number of pages: 208
Word Count: 68,528

Cover Artist: Dawne Dominique

Book Description:

Leah Carpenter thought being the only witch in her local high school was hard. That was until she inexplicably found herself in the past running from an angry mob, which turned out to be much harder. Lionel, the man in charge of the mob, holds a grudge against a girl he calls Arabella. He thinks she’s Arabella.

Luckily, just about the time it looks as if she’s done for she pops back into her century. This causes trouble at school, but at least she has an understanding family.
What happens in the past can hurt her. The whiplashes covering her body are proof enough. Her Nana believes she has to right a wrong in the past to stay in the present and go out with her crush, Dylan. What she discovers in the past is an evil so pure that it makes her blood run cold. She might not ever make it back for geometry class or more importantly a possible date with Dylan.


About the Author:

Rayna Noire is an author and a historian. The desire to uncover the truth behind the original fear of witches led her to the surprising discovery that people believed in magick in some form up to 150 years ago. A world that believed the impossible could happen and often did must have been amazing. With this in mind, Ms. Noire taps into this dimension, shapes it into stories about Pagan families who really aren’t that different from most people. They do go on the occasional time travel adventures and magick happens.

Tour wide giveaway 5 paperbacks open to US Shipping $50 Amazon Gift Card

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. thank you for this amazing giveaway!


  2. I am a sucker for time travel stories ever since reading Outlander and Brenda Joyce's Masters of Time series. Thx for the giveaway!

  3. A time travel and a love story? Can't wait to read it.

  4. Thank you for hosting me. I joined your site because I don't want to miss any of your amazing deals.

  5. Sounds like a great book. Thanks for sharing it and the giveaway. Wishing everyone a wonderful and magical holiday season!. evamillien at gmail dot com

  6. Thank you so much for the giveaway!
    meltheplux at gmail dot com

  7. Initiation sounds like a fantastic read!

    Happy Holidays and thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  8. Looks sweet for sure.. glad I found it.. Happy Holidays

  9. Amazing chances on this site and great information. Have a great Christmas!!!

  10. Hope you had a terrific Holiday!!
