
Monday, November 25, 2013

The Cupcake Diaries Spoonful of Christmas by Darlene Panzera Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway and Recipe

The Cupcake Diaries:

Spoonful of Christmas

By: Darlene Panzera


In this special Christmas novella from Darlene Panzera, THE CUPCAKE DIARIES: Spoonful of Christmas continues the adventures of three cupcake-loving women who work to keep their dream cupcake shop open while balancing love, family, and friendship.

When businessman Preston Pennyworth offers to buy Creative Cupcakes for a million dollars, the women are startled by his offer. Friends Andi, Kim, and Rachel have put everything into the shop and don’t want to give it up. Despite refusing the expensive offer, their worries are starting to pile up—just in time for the Christmas season. Between Andi’s concerns about a potential cross-country move, Rachel’s wedding-day stress, and Kim’s love life woes, the spirit of the season seems to be lacking! With the added stress of the holiday season, the women can’t help but imaging the possibilities of the offer.

Things change when Andi decides to organize a Christmas party for the foster kids in the area and the whole town gets involved. The women of Creative Cupcakes are reminded of what truly matters, as they realize the best things in life are close to home! But, when the shop is vandalized, the foster kids’ gifts are stolen, and Rachel’s wedding is sabotaged by a real life Grinch, the women can’t help but feel hopeless on Christmas. Will their Christmases be saved?

In this warm and heartfelt add-on to THE CUPCAKE DIARIES trilogy, Darlene Panzera’s Christmas novella will captivate reader’s hearts and capture the true meaning of Christmas.

Buy Links

Coconut Macaroon Cupcakes
(Recipe from Patty Emmert)
3 Cups coconut
2/3 Cup sugar
1 egg white
6 Tbs. cake flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. almond extract
1 egg white
candied cherries

Combine coconut, 1/3 c. sugar and 1 egg white in double boiler. Cook over boiling water until hot, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat. Sift flour and baking powder together. Add to coconut mixture. Add almond extract, mixing well.

Beat other egg white in another bowl until foamy. Add remaining sugar gradually, 2 tsp's at a time. Continue beating until mixture will stand in soft peaks. Fold into coconut mixture. Place paper liners into 8 muffin pans and fill with batter. Top with cherry. Bake in slow oven (325°) for about 25 minutes. Makes 8.

About the Author

Darlene Panzera is the winner of the “Make Your Dreams Come True” contest sponsored by Avon Books. The win led her novella, The Bet, to be published with Debbie Macomber’s Family Affair. The award-winning novella (chosen in a blind-read by Debbie Macomber) was then published as a full length novel retitled, Bet You’ll Marry Me. Born and raised in New Jersey, Darlene is now a resident of the Pacific Northwest where she lives with her husband and three children. When not writing she enjoys spending time with her family, two horses, and loves: camping, hiking, photography, and lazy days at the lake.

Author Links


Rafflecopter Giveaway (Set of Books 1-3 of THE CUPCAKE DIARIES Series) a Rafflecopter giveaway Or,


  1. My favorite treat is usually the pumpkin rolls with frosting in them. I also love the chocolate oranges.

  2. Thank you for featuring my new book today! I had a lot of fun writing this one! I must say the favorite holiday treat at our house is home-made chocolate fudge. Yum!
