
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Stranded With a Hero by Karen Erickson, Cindi Madsen, Roxanne Snopek, and Coleen Kwan and Giveaway

Stranded with a Hero by Karen Erickson, Cindi Madsen, Roxanne Snopek and Coleen Kwan

Publisher: Entangled Publishing – Bliss Date of Publication: November 11, 2013 ISBN: 9781622663842 ASIN: B00G1IWYK4

  Find Stranded with a Hero Online Amazon | B&N | Goodreads


Coleen Kwan

Book Description: Getting snowed in never felt so good as boundaries are crossed, opposites attract, and friends discovering more promise a Christmas no one will ever forget.   Loving Mindy by Karen Erickson Mindy can’t believe she's stuck with her ex–best friend—and the man whose heart she broke years ago—for the holidays, though the tension between them is more than enough to keep them warm. Josh Powers never forgot Mindy, but he can’t risk his heart a second time.   White-Hot Holiday by Coleen Kwan Naomi’s sworn off men like Aaron—rich, cocky, and dismissive of holiday traditions. Aaron decided to spend Christmas in sunny Australia to avoid snowy New York, not to fall for the woman his best friend warned him away from. But when a volcano grounds him, Aaron and Naomi's relationship becomes eruptive.   An Officer and a Rebel by Cindi Madsen The last person police officer Nate Walsh expected to discover in a snowstorm is his brother's ex and former town rebel, Kelsey Cooper. She’s his complete opposite and totally off-limits, but as they wait out the storm together, all he can think is how he wishes she'd stay forever.   Saving the Sheriff by Roxanne Snopek Frankie Sylva was determined to free the reindeer cruelly held for a holiday roadshow, even if it meant risking her own life. Deputy Sheriff Red LeClair set out to save a stranger in a snowstorm, never expecting he’d be the one to be rescued.

Tour wide giveaway: Rafflecopter code: a Rafflecopter giveaway

About Karen Erickson: USA Today bestselling author Karen Erickson writes what she loves to read – sexy contemporary romance. Digitally published since 2006, she’s a native Californian who lives in the foothills below Yosemite with her husband and three children. Website: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest: About Cindi Madsen Cindi Madsen sits at her computer every chance she gets, plotting revising, and falling in love with her characters. Sometimes it makes her a crazy person. Without it, she’d be even crazier. She has way too many shoes, but can always find a reason to buy a new pretty pair, especially if they’re sparkly, colorful, or super tall. She loves music, dancing, and wishes summer lasted all year long. She lives in Colorado (where summer is most definitely NOT all year long) with her husband and three children. She is the author of YA novels All the Broken Pieces and Demons of the Sun, adult contemporary romances Falling for Her Fiancé and Act Like You love Me, and the women's fiction novel Cinderella Screwed Me Over.





About Roxanne Snopek Roxanne Snopek is the author of ten books, more than 150 articles, and has had short fiction published in several anthologies. She is currently serving as Vice-President of the Romance Writers of America Greater Vancouver Chapter. She and her family live in the Pacific Northwest, where she’s at work on more love stories for Entangled Publishers Website:




Finding Ideas for Heroes by Coleen Kwan

A Big Thank You to Coleen Kwan for Being A Guest Today!

How does an author find ideas for all of her heroes? Are they totally just in her imagination?

Heroes are all around us. We hear about them on the news, read books about them, watch movies based on their heroism. Heroes can be fire-fighters risking their lives to save people and properties (Here in New South Wales, Australia we’ve recently had some awful bushfires, which is why this instantly comes to mind). They can be soldiers, policemen, or a pilot landing his aircraft on the Hudson River.

All these heroes can be inspiration for a romance, and often are. But a hero in a romance novel doesn’t have to rescue people or risk his life to qualify as one. He is a hero because he is the one man who sees the heroine for who she truly is and values her for it. He sees past her flaws, her barriers, her quirks, and sees the true goodness in her. And even if he brings out the worst in her, he also brings out the best in her.

I find inspiration for my heroes from the books I read, whether they are romances or not. I especially love reading about flawed heroes who redeem themselves in the eyes of the heroine. Mr Darcy comes to mind almost instantly. How many romantic heroes has he inspired!

Heroes aren’t perfect. If they were, they would be very boring to read about. I don’t need too much inspiration to find their human flaws We all know the demanding boss, the arrogant stud, the distracted workaholic. In real life they might be unappealing, but in a romance novel these flaws are excellent fodder for the writer’s imagination.

When writing a romance, I find it always helps to picture my hero, and this is where gazing at photos of attractive men can be justified as work-related! A chiselled jaw, a pair of ice-blue eyes, a muscle-bound chest—all inspiring, I assure you.

All these ingredients are thrown into the pot of my imagination, and after a lot of stirring and tasting, I have my hero. In many cases, I learn more about my hero as I write the story, so that at the end of my first draft I have a more complete picture of my hero. Then in my subsequent drafts I add layers to my character, giving him more depth and nuances. More often than not, my editors will also have fresh ideas about the hero, and so he evolves even more.

So ideas for heroes are all around me, and once I am inspired, my imagination takes over and makes them unique to my story.

Thanks for having me on your blog!

Coleen Kwan

About Coleen Kwan Coleen Kwan has been a bookworm all her life. At school English was her favorite subject, but for some reason she decided on a career in IT. After many years of programming, she wondered what else there was in life — and discovered writing. She loves writing contemporary romance and steampunk romance. Coleen lives in Sydney, Australia with her partner and two children. When she isn’t writing she enjoys avoiding housework, eating chocolate, and watching Criminal Minds. Website:

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