
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Daughter of Isis by Kelsey Ketch Book Blitz and Giveaway

Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis, #1)
Release Date: 10/26/13
Cover Designed by: Steven Novak

Summary from Goodreads:
“Her mouth parted slightly, waiting for Seth to breathe life into her own body, just like in the story. She wanted him to awaken her senses.”

Their worlds collide in California’s high desert.

The last thing Natara “Natti” Stone wants to do is to start anew at Setemple High School. She wished she had never left London. Yet the brutal murder of her maternal grandmother has made her life very complicated. The only clue related to her murder is an ancient, encrypted necklace Natti discovered after her grandmother’s death. And if trying to adjust to American life is not enough, Natti is being stalked by a mysterious, charming high school senior, Seth O’Keefe, who is annoyingly persistent in his attempts at seduction.

Seth O’Keefe is secretly a member of the Sons of Set, an order that worships the Egyptian god of chaos. Seth’s blessing from Set, his “charm,” never failed, except with one person: Natti Stone. Her ability to elude him infatuates and infuriates him, and he becomes obsessed with the chase. But the closer he gets to her, the more his emotions take a dangerous turn, and he risks breaking one of the most valued covenants of his order. The punishment for which is a fate worse than death.

The adventure this unlikely couple becomes engulfed in could cost them their lives and their souls.

*Note: Content for Upper YA*

Available from:
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Daughter of Isis Excerpt

She has always protected our family,” Zofia told her. “And we have always been careful to protect her in return.”
Protected, Natti snorted and picked the box up gently and tilted it upright so she could look at the relief. Then why was her grandmother dead? Murdered in her own home?
She brushed her fingers over the mother-of-pearl feathers of Isis’s wings. Patterns of stars, ankhs, and eyes graced the borders, the mother-of-pearl incasing them in fine lines of shimmering white. Straightening her position on the floor, she leaned her back against the bed frame and studied the figures and images.
As she tipped the box just a bit more, something shifted and clinked against the wood inside. Natti froze. She glanced at her cat, who had stuck her nose over the rim of her fort; her eyes like saucers. Returning her attention back to the cedar box, Natti opened the lid. The maroon, velvet lining greeted her, but nothing more. Natti cocked her head and closed the box again as she thought. She examined the exterior, giving it a small shake. A metallic object scraped and rattled against the wood. A thought hit her, and she looked back inside, this time comparing the interior depth to the height of the exterior.
Oh shit!” Natti rechecked to make sure her eyes hadn’t failed her. “No, bloody way!”


About the Author
During her high school years, Kelsey Ketch could always be found tucked away in a little corner of the hall or classroom, writing her fantasy worlds and creating illustrations and maps. Today is no different, except now she’s writing in the break room at her office building or at the tables of the Barnes and Noble Café in Cary, North Carolina. She is also an avid reader, a part-time book blogger at Ketch’s Book Nook, and lives with her two orange tabbies and awesome and humorous flat-mate.Daughter of Isis is her debut novel.
For more information, please visit her site at

***Author Links***
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One winner will receive an Anubis Plush Toy and a Tyet Necklace (INT)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Blitz Organized by:


  1. Love the giveaway totally cute..and very excited for you.. Happy Holidays.

  2. This sounds like a book I'd really enjoy, I've added it to my Goodreads to-read and will definitely be picking up a copy soon!
