
Friday, November 1, 2013

Change My Mind By Elly Arden Book Tour and Giveaway

Title: Change My Mind (Kemmons Brothers Baseball #2)

Author: Elley Arden Published Date: September 9th 2013

Published by: Crimson Romance Genre: Contemporary Romance Book

“Wait a minute.” Nel charged into the center of the circle of men. “You’re trying to get him drunk, aren’t you?” She spun around with finger pointed like the spinner on a board game.

Nobody said a word.

A smile crept across Grey’s face. They were trying to get him drunk. They were. And it was a brilliant plan. A drunk man passed out — he didn’t have sex.

“We’re done here. Let’s go. Move it out.” She was literally shooing her brothers. “You guys think you’re so smart, but you’re not. Not at all. I could totally get in my car after you drop me off and drive right back over here.”

She paused for a noisy inhale and a growl, and then she scrambled around the kitchen picking up empty bottles and tossing them into the trash bag.

“I should’ve known. Look at this.” She wiggled a bottle in the air. “We’ve been sitting here for how long and Greg’s only finished half a beer. Ridiculous.”


Grey watched the guys accept their chastisement with stiff upper lips and downward cast eyes. He felt the tug again, the odd sense of sentimentality that overcame him when Nel and Paul were around.

She stopped in front of him, all five feet and change, chin lifted, shoulders back, and eyes like a gas-powered flame. He blinked and her lips were crushing his, her arms thrown round his neck, her body weight bending him at the waist. He didn’t dare open his mouth to deepen the kiss or raise his arms to hold her. He wanted to. God, he did. But any minute now, four sets of fists were going to take him down.

“There,” she said, swatting his chest as she released him, turning to face the other gaping men. “And for the record, I’m the one taking advantage of him.”

Six weeks having a disadvantage to Nel? Grey could live with that.


Nothing is going to stop Nel Parker from raising her fledgling real estate agency to the top of the heap. When she returns two dogs to a million-dollar mansion with a dumpster in the driveway, she thinks the house is her lucky break. But the owner turns out to be a moody professional baseball player with a complicated agenda of his own, leaving Nel to fear her plans for real estate domination are doomed. Centerfielder Grey Kemmons is spending the off-season renovating the house he inherited from his father. It’s a miserable job, but he’s doing it anyway—because somebody has to pay back the money his father stole. When a spitfire of a woman in a surprisingly attractive package shows up wanting to list the house, he agrees to pacify her with a tour, never expecting the mutually beneficial business relationship that ensues. As weeks go by, business turns to pleasure with Nel and Grey believing the temporary nature of their time together will protect their hearts. Too bad nothing can protect them or prepare them for love.

Book Links:




Author Information: Elley Arden is a born and bred Pennsylvanian who has lived as far west as Utah and as far north as Wisconsin. She drinks wine like it’s water (a slight exaggeration), prefers a night at the ballpark to a night on the town, and believes almond English toffee is the key to happiness. Elley has been reading romance novels since she was a sixteen-year-old babysitter, sneaking Judith McNaught and Danielle Steele novels off the bookshelves of the women who employed her. She started her first manuscript when she was twenty-five, writing during babies’ naps. A total of three children and ten years later, the manuscript was complete. Little did she know, her journey to publication was only beginning.. Elley writes provocative contemporary romances for Crimson Romance.

Author Links: Website:




Book #1 in the Series: Save My Soul -- cover is attached in the email! Blurb: Psychotherapist Maggie Collins has always been a little off the proverbial wall, but now she’s also knee deep in a delayed quarter-life crisis. With her meager paychecks devoured by student loan debt, a car payment and rent for office space, living at home with a flighty, folk-singing mother seemed like a good idea…at first. Now Maggie’s not so sure. She wants space to sort things out and launch a life of her own, but she needs a cushion of cash to get there. When an unexpected phone call brings an offer Maggie can’t refuse, she’s one deal with the devil away from moving out of her mother’s house. The devil of contract negotiations, baseball agent Jordon Kemmons, has a problem the usual experts can't fix...his star pitcher is too depressed to throw strikes. Even worse, Jordon's post-divorce grudge against women is turning him into a raging mess. If desperate times call for desperate measures, then cynical Jordon has made the most desperate move of all. He's hoping sexy psychotherapist Maggie Collins is the answer to all his rusty prayers. Soon Maggie and Jordon are fighting an attraction that threatens everything they've ever believed. If it's not just physical attraction...if it's something more, maybe two wrongs can make a right.

Links: Goodreads:



Giveaway Information: Elley be giving away an autographed copy Save My Soul & a Swag Bag

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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