
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Marry Me by Kristin Wallace Book Blitz

Marry Me By: Kristin Wallace


She'd vowed never to fall in love... Julia Richardson is no fan of weddings. A lifetime of watching her parents treat relationships like the flavor of the month has taught her that love is for fools. Then she learns her former stepsister is having a crisis with her pregnancy. The crisis has Julia returning to the small Southern town – and the family – she’s been avoiding for years. Before she knows it, Julia’s been pressed into service running her former stepsister’s wedding planning business, Marry Me. Julia doesn’t know a garter from a garden hose, but now she must navigate couples along the bumpy path down the aisle - despite wardrobe malfunctions, killer bees, and plenty of near disasters. In the midst of it all, Julia makes the most unexpected discovery of all…Love, with Seth Graham, the widowed local minister! Julia’s been running from love and everything spiritual for most of her life. It’s not until she finds the courage to stop running that she finds her own “I Do” moment.

Link to Follow Tour:

  Author Info

Growing up Kristin devoured books like bags of Dove Dark Chocolate.  Everything from Nancy Drew & Encyclopedia Brown to C.S. Lewis and the  Sweet Valley High series. Later she discovered romance novels. It’s no surprise then that Kristin would one day try her hand at writing them. She writes inspirational romance and women’s fiction filled with love, laughter and a leap of faith. In May 2013, Kristin sold her first novel, MARRY ME, to Astraea Press. Publication date to come!  When she’s not writing her next novel, Kristin works as an advertising copywriter. She also enjoys singing in her church choir and playing flute in a community orchestra.

Author Links

  Rafflecopter Giveaway ($25.00 Amazon or B&N Gift Card)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What is your favorite kiss you have ever written?

    1. Mark, I couldn't pick just one kiss. I don't think my characters would like it if I played favorites, lol

  2. Thanks for the giveaways, the reviews at Tasty Book Tours. Thank you for this little excerpt, I look forward to reading this!!! Thanks!

  3. Thanks for hosting me today! Look forward to a fun day.

  4. Heh, I also loved all of those books when I was a child!

    This sounds like a lovely story! :)

    1. We are obviously kindred spirits, Claira. Marry Me was a fun story to write and I really love the characters. Hope you will too.

  5. This sounds like a fun, sweet story.

    1. Thank you...We need more fun, sweet things these days, right?

  6. Thanks for the chance to win!
    Sounds like a great read!!
