
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Haunted Open House Giveaway Hop!


The doors will be open for my 3rd annual Haunted Open House from October 23 through October 30. 
Come to my blog doorstep and come in to hear about my biggest Halloween scare, enjoy my list of favorite scary books, movies, video games or TV shows.

Every year my husband would dress up like a real scary character. Then he would go to the ice house in our town, and get some dry ice. He had a rubber hand that he would put in a cauldron in the front yard shut the light and then just wait to scare someone by coming around the side of the house. I cannot tell you how many mothers were scared. One even screamed and ran away!  Even the local police stopped to look. It was a lot of fun!

I am giving away a scary book (a trick) and some other goodies (a treat). 
Please enter here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway