
Thursday, October 17, 2013

An Unexpected Bride by Shadonna Richards the Bride Series Book 1 Book Tour

An Unexpected Bride
The Bride Series, Book 1

Shadonna Richards

Genre: Contemporary Romance/ Romantic Comedy

ISBN: 978-1463774820


Number of pages: 260

Word Count: 54,000

Cover Artist: Ramona Lockwood

Book Description:

AN UNEXPECTED BRIDE (Book 1 in The Bride Series) - #1 Bestseller in Humor

Emma Wiggins is about to marry her heart-stopping, gorgeous boss, CEO Evan Fletcher, in seven days--too bad he doesn't know it yet! 

Desperate to fulfill her ailing grandfather's last wish to see her settle down and get married, Emma Wiggins, a 30-year-old, career-focused executive tells him a little white lie on his deathbed that she is in fact engaged--to her boss, deliciously handsome and emotionally unavailable, Evan Fletcher.

The situation takes an unexpected turn when her grandfather's condition improves slightly and to her shock, he goes ahead and arranges a wedding ceremony at his hospital bedside before he passes on. Now, all Emma has to do is convince unsuspecting, commitment-phobic Evan to tie the knot with her in seven days. Can love blossom in the most unlikely situation?

The Bride Series novels and novellas have sold over 260,000 copies in the last year

***The Second Anniversary Edition! Newly published with an additional 5,000 words, added scenes, a new ending and a bonus steamy love scene!***


Hi, everyone!
I’m Shadonna, author of An Unexpected Bride, a romantic comedy about Emma Wiggins who is about to marry her heart-stopping, gorgeous boss, CEO Evan Fletcher in seven days. Only he doesn’t know about it yet! Since An Unexpected Bride centers around the theme of weddings, I thought I’d make a fun list, based on research and funny wedding videos I’ve seen. Here’s an unofficial list of the Top 10 Wedding Bloopers. Of course, Emma has the number one spot. Check this list out:

10. The minister forgot to show up
9. The groom forgot the bride’s name
8. The bride forgot the groom’s name
7. The ring bearer disappeared with the ring
6. The bride fainted
5. The groom fainted
4. The minister fainted
3. The bride fell into the pool (the wedding was by the poolside)
2. The dog stole the show
And the number one spot goes to Emma Wiggins from An Unexpected Bride
  1. The bride forgot to tell the groom they were getting married

About the book;
Emma Wiggins who is about to marry her heart-stopping, gorgeous boss, CEO Evan Fletcher in seven days. Only he doesn’t know about it yet! Since An Unexpected Bride centers around the theme of love and companionship, I thought I’d compile a list some of the most romantic quotes or the most beautiful words you can say to someone you care about. Check this list out:

Love means never having to say you’re sorry.” —From Love Story (1970) - Jennifer (Ali MacGraw) to Oliver (Ryan O’Neal)

“You had me at hello.”—From
Jerry Maguire (1996) - Dorothy (Renée Zellweger) to Jerry (Tom Cruise)

“I love you. You’re my only reason to stay alive… if that’s what I am.”—From
The Twilight Saga: New Moon Edward (Robert Pattinson) to Bella (Kristen Stewart)
Love is like a sunshine. It brings a golden glow to its beholder’s face. And a warm feeling all over their body. It awakens souls and opens eyes. And when its over, it leaves a billions of small memories called stars. To remind the world, that it still exists.” – Author Unknown
If you are in love…that’s about the best thing that can happen to anyone. Don’t let anyone make it small or light to you.” – John Steinbeck

“When you love someone, it’s something. When someone loves you, it’s another thing. When you love the person who loves you back, it’s everything.”
– Author Unknown

“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and to be loved in return.
– Author Unknown

Don’t give up too easy on finding true love…we all need love.” – Shadonna Richards (An Unexpected Bride, Sept 2011)

“Life is about moments…we have to make each moment a special occasion.” –
Shadonna Richards (An Unexpected Bride, Sept 2011)

Hope you enjoyed the list. I thought I’d leave you with a synopsis of An Unexpected Bride. Enjoy.

About the Author:

Shadonna Richards enjoys reading and writing about the magic of romance and the power of love. She has sold over 260,000 copies of her bestselling romance novels, the Bride Series and Whirlwind Romance Series, in the past eighteen months.

Born in London, England, she has a B.A. Degree in Psychology and a Diploma in Nursing. She is also the author of the non-fiction books, A Gift of Hope, Count Your Blessings and Think & Be Happy: 365 Empowering Thoughts to Lift Your Spirit (an Amazon Kindle #1 Bestseller in Meditation).

Winner of Harlequin's So You Think You Can Write 2010 Day Two Challenge, she is also a member of Romance Writers of America. She's a proud mommy and wife and lives in Canada with her husband and son.


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