
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Three Travelers by Nicole Pickens Book Tour

The Three Travelers by Nicole Pickens
Three travelers journey on life’s road of love, justice and redemption.
A young man stumbled upon a haunted tree on a wayside rural road whose tormented ghosts plea for his assistance.
A little girl invited a traveler to her home to meet her family with some unusual results.
A soul accepted the gift to move among the living from sunset to sunrise.  He tries to alter the circumstance of his loved ones but time is never enough.

I would like to thank Author Nicole Pickens for sharing some of her thoughts with us.

I asked how she got started writing, I love to hear about what causes an author to want to write and if they have always known that they wanted to be  a writer.

How I got started . . . well, I was in college majoring in business/accounting. Three classes from graduation I received a divine turn of heart that led me to start another major, English. It was like God spun me on my heels, a 180 degree turn. I found that I had a budding imagination. Well . . . not really budding. Let's say it was reawakened. I've always had a vivid imagination. I had to, I was raised as an only child. 

About the Author
Nicole was born in Los Angeles, California. Her father was a jazz musician and her mother was a waitress. She has lived in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, and currently resides in North Georgia. She enjoys movies, art, music, and cooking. She is the mother of one child.
Nicole holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and English from Piedmont College in Demorest, Georgia. She is currently working on her first novel in the genre of family/fantasy. Her current published work is The Three Travelers. It is a collection of supernatural short stories, published by Silver Tongue Press.

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