
Sunday, September 1, 2013

September is for Sequels giveaway Hop

September is for Sequels giveaway Hop
September 2nd to 9th

    There are so many sequels that I love. I love Outlander, Gone with the wind and Karen Marie Moning. I like sequels from movies too, like national treasure! Hopefully I can win some from the blogs below. Check them out! My daughter is Deal Sharing Aunt and she is giving away some James Patterson!!

    I am giving away some Janet Evanovich! I am also adding a yearly cookbook! (I assume they are sequels because they come out every year right?). (:

    Enter my Giveaway here:



    1. My favorite sequel is probably the Harry Potter books.

    2. I love the Stephanie Plum books, they make me laugh every time!

    3. My favorite sequel is the Cedar Cove by debbie macomber.Thank you for the opportunity to win.

    4. follow on Bloglovin as

    5. My favorite sequel is Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor. I loved the second book, Days of Blood and Starlight, just as much as the first and I am waiting anxiously for the third book in the series, Dreams of Gods and Monsters.

      I follow as either Squeak or the Alaskan Bookie. I am actually both. :-)

    6. Recently, my favorite sequel has been The Beckoning of Broken Things by Calinda B. It followed smoothly after The Beckoning of Beautiful Things. Calinda B has a lovely writing style that wraps the reader in a warm, inviting cocoon and holds him/her aloft in Calinda's dream world until far after the last page, when she gently releases the reader back into harsh reality. You have wonderful books in this giveaway; Evanovich is one of my favorite authors and I love to cook. Thank so much for the opportunity to win.

    7. I really can’t just pick one….I love the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews, the Chornicles of Elantra series by Michelle Sagara, The Others series by Anne Bishop, Downside Ghosts series by Stacia Kane, Black London by Caitlin Kittredge, the In Death series by J.D. Robb and the Alex Craft series by Kalayna Price.

      Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
      elizabeth @ bookattict . com

    8. Their are so many that I love but the most recent ones were Magic Rises by Ilona Andrews and Fifth Grave Past the Light. I love both of the series.

    9. Some top sequels includes various Star Wars titles, The Vampire Academy books (all of them), and many more...

    10. I love The League series by Sherrilyn Kenyon.

    11. Finding Perfect by Susan Mallery.

    12. you are giving away my favorite sequels :). I love Janet Evanovich and am always waiting on her latest to come out. I wish she wrote as fast as I read :). She is one of my favorite authors.

    13. Thanks for participating in my first co-hosted Hop!! I'm sure these books will be a big giveaway hit!

    14. Beverly Lewis: The Shunning, reckoning & the confession!

    15. my two favorites are harry potter series and anne of green gables, thank you!

    16. Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon

    17. the hollows by kim harrison and the argeneau series by lynsay sands

    18. There are a lot of sequels I love including:
      Pride & Prejudice Sequels
      Harry Potter Series
      Awake at Dawn (Shadow Falls #2) by, C.C. Hunter
      Demonglass (Hex Hall #2) by, Rachel Hawkins
      The Unusual Suspects (The Sisters Grimm, #2) by, Michael Buckley
      The Princess and Curdie by, George MacDonald
      Across the Great Barrier (Frontier Magic #2) by, Patricia C. Wrede
      Searching for Dragons (Enchanted Forest Chronicles, #2) by, Patricia C. Wrede
      Desperately Seeking Shapeshifter (Midnight Liaisons #2) by, Jessica Sims

      And many others...

    19. I don't have a favorite but a couple of my favorite series is Dark Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon and Dark series by Christine Feehan.

    20. I just finished Goddess by Josephine Angelini! It was awesome!

    21. I love the J.D. Robb series about Eve Dallas and the future.

    22. The Lord of the Rings.. and Vampire Academy

    23. I cannot choose a favorite. There are too many and so many are really good. I just finished Davis Bunn;s Unlimited and I do hope it has a sequel.

    24. Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas!

    25. I love all the Anne Rice books-great series

    26. The Lux series. Thanks for the giveaway!
