
Friday, August 2, 2013

Welcome to the 2Kool4Skool Giveaway Hop

2Kool4Skool Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the 2Kool4Skool Giveaway Hop

This event is hosted by The Review Wire and Review Wire Media. The 2Kool4Skool Event has everything you need for back to school school! All participating blogs have a giveaway of at least $25 so hop down the list to see what they have in store for you. Make sure to also check out the Grand Prize over at The Review Wire and enter to win a Back To School Prize Pack worth over $200 in back to school gear including a backpack from eBags, Clothes from French Toast, Elmer's Glue, I See Me Personalized Lunch Box, Gripcase iPad Cover and Swingline.

I am giving away back to school items. I am including items that I bought for my kids when they were in school. Paper, pens, notebooks, and more. Please enter my Giveaway here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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 is not responsible for the shipment of this prize. 2Kool4Skool event bloggers are not responsible for sponsors that do not fulfill their prizes. Companies and bloggers, if you would like to participate in group giveaway events like this one, sign up to be emailed about future events hosted by The Review Wire.


  1. most expensive would be a TI80 something calculator

  2. So far it's just been dry erase markers which are hard to find a good deal on. Not looking forward to those expensive calculators like your other commenter mentioned! Yikes.
    welindsey at gmail dot com

  3. hmmmm... I honestly can't think of anything that was required and weird. I can tell you about how I brought real cow eyes in a plastic container on the school bus and to school. We were studying the eye in science and my Dad is a dairy farmer who could get the eyes for our class to dissect. I know, it seems yucky, but I was pretty popular that day. LOL
    Thanks for the giveaway! Kathleen on the RC

  4. One of my sons years of high school we had to buy some fancy schmancy calculator that cost almost $200!!

  5. A sheep brain and a sheep heart in college.

    Most expensive would be my Anatomy & Physiology books, for about 400 buckaroos.

  6. most expensive was a graphing calculator

  7. The most expensive was definitely a scientific calculator. Those things are crazy expensive!

  8. Not crazy, but uniforms for 5 kids is Expensive!

  9. Most expensive: graphing calculator! ouch.

  10. Most expensive was calculator.

  11. Most expensive was a $130+ calculator. Weirdest... Clorox wipes, cleaning supplies

  12. The graphing calculator for a calculus class....although in college,having to spend $200-$300 for a single textbook wasn't that unusual.

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  13. Most expensive is definitely the Texas Instrument calculaters!

  14. The most expensive was buying calculators for my kids classes and also buying textbooks for college

  15. I had to buy a CPR facemask/mouthpiece for a first aid class in college and it was almost $20!!

  16. In high school, I had to buy a $100 calculator. Luckily, it got many years of use (especially in college math courses).

  17. The graphing calculator wins the most expensive contest. I can't think of anything weird. As a teacher I buy some interesting things at back to school season. This year I am looking for lamps to make the room feel more homey.

  18. most expensive was graphing calculator, don't know about weird but it was definitely expensive!

  19. My daughter is just starting kindergarten, so no weird or super expensive supplies yet, unless you want to count her uniform polos ($15 each). For myself, my most expensive school items were my college textbooks!

  20. they always need a lot of kleenex and sanitizer but not really anything too weird

  21. human anatomy posters for my homeschooled grandkids not expensive but wierd

  22. Not necessarily weird but expensive - scientific calculator

    Sherry Compton

  23. weird - 24 boxes of 24 count crayons for kindergarden this year!

  24. scientific calculator is expensive
    Jessica Cox

  25. Most expensive would be my husbands college textbooks. Not really weird but a few years ago my son needed 15 glue sticks that was never used.

  26. a special calculator wow that sucker was expensive

  27. calutars and then the note book and more gc to get more stuff

  28. For my son's Pre-K we had to buy all sorts of soaps and paper towels and hand sanitizers and such last year. some of the soaps that are alcohol free are expensive. I didnt see why the school didnt provide that stuff.

  29. Nothing for my sons... for me in college was expensive textbooks that we hardly used!

  30. College textbooks would be the most when that particular instructor rarely used the books but lectured and tested from class notes, what a waste of money..

  31. College textbooks for the most expensive, weird is always how specific teachers get nowadays, this type of scissors in this color, with this point...

  32. A graphing calculator when I was in school. For my kids 6th grade and under, honestly I think a certain outfit or shoes possibly, or backpack.

  33. 3 rolls of paper towels per child and 4 boxes of tissues per child

  34. The most expensive was graphing calculator.

  35. Nothing really out of the ordinary yet


  36. Most expensive was a calculator

  37. I can't think of anything strange, but the most expensive was definitely the graphing calculator my oldest son needed (and still uses in college!). I'm not looking forward to having to buy my daughter one, or my two youngest sons when they get older.

  38. Most expensive was graphing calculator. strange item was toilet paper and tissues

  39. The most expensive was a Scientific Graphing Calculator and having to buy a second one because I lost my first one!

  40. Most expensive were my college books worth $100 each. :)
