
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Our Schoolroom Catch Up, Doing it All on a Budget

        It is so hard to believe that August is almost half way over. Where did the summer go? Our schoolroom is all done! Yah! The 2 desks that Mommy and I found at the tag sale have worked out wonderfully. Bobo and Sissy love to sit at them and do their school work. They also love to use the laptop and the iPad on their desks. We will be putting pictures on to show how it all came together. Mommy has chosen the curriculum that she will be using and we will share that as soon as we get pictures taken. I could not believe how many different ones that are out there. There are so many parents that are homeschooling that these are being made a lot more and there are a lot more choices.
      I have to say that we are not missing  running around for back to school items, not to mention clothes and more. It is more important to be able to spend money on the items that we want and the items that we feel are the most important to Bobo and Sissy. The iPad has been one of the best items that Mommy  ever bought. It never ceases to amaze me how the 2 kids have mastered it and I am still trying to figure all of the things that it can do. They also love to read stories on Auntie Icky's kindle. When we were on our way to BlogHer 13 in Chicago last month, I used it all the way and I was able to catch up on one of my favorite hobbies. I love to read, I always have.

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