
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Our Day Out With Thomas the Train Review

Bobo, Sissy ran us all ragged this weekend. One of the fantastic places we have to thank is A Day Out With Thomas. Thomas the Train in real life gave us all the shivers. He is larger than life. The kids started getting excited the minute they saw the first sign letting us know we were getting close.   The first thing that you notice is a lot of cars and a lot of people. Not just kids but adults too, who also love Thomas. I know that this is true because Daddy loves to play Thomas the Train with Bobo and Sissy!

Although there are a lot of different things to do while waiting for your train ride the kids, like all of the kids around them were mostly waiting for the 2 main events. The first of course was the ride but the second was meeting Sir Topham Hat. It was so much fun to see so many smiles on all of the kid's faces. They did not even care if it was hot, really hot, they were seeing one of their best friends!
 I was just as bad as the kids and I kept sending Daddy back to the store to get more presents for the kids. Their birthdays are this week to so, we used this as a huge shopping trip! I remember when I was younger and we went on vacation my parents brought my brother and I these pennants wherever  we went. We came home and put them up on our walls or doors.
While we were there we asked Bobo and Sissy if we should get something to giveaway on our blog and the kids said to get this pennant. They both got one and they really like having it. We would like to thank Thomas the Train for this event and all opinions are our own. The giveaway is provided by 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too!
Enter Giveaway Here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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