
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Lacy The Doves of Primrose by Krista Kedrick Guest Post by Author & Giveaway


Lacy Weston… or is it Campbell? Hell her husband took off so fast he may as well take his name with him. She is trying to run the historic family bed and breakfast out in the middle of the prairie while coping with her husband’s desertion, trying to keep up with her two best friends and oh yeah, the movie production that has landed in the middle of The Dove House and taken over, bringing former rodeo champion, famous actor and Lacy’s old flame with it.

The last thing Lacy needs…

Kyle McClintock is back in Primrose to shoot his latest western blockbuster and to see if the passion he and Lacy Weston had so many years ago could be reclaimed. Yes, he had ulterior motives when requesting his old hometown for the set, but he may get more than he bargained for. Strange happenings, hot tempers and Indian summer nights may prove too much for this cowboy.

Nobody ever said it was easy loving a Weston.
Guest Post
I Love Cowboys - oh, how I count the ways…

Historical, Contemporary and every other version of the western romance genre is my favorite. Why? Because they have cowboys! I love them all and have since young womanhood – the time I could climb high enough to get to that top shelf where my mother kept the contraband. I think the reason behind this is because I find the hero, and heroine for that matter, both relatable and ideal.

I grew up in a farming/ranching household. My mother’s family was farming – my father’s ranching, which, if anyone else can relate, causes many a colorful and vocal dinner discussion. You would think that it’s the same thing since it all takes place in the rural part of the country but I assure you it is not.

Anyway, back to the good stuff. Western romance is all about inherently good people, the bad things they can do or get into and what they will do for the people they love. You will find heroes – we call them cowboys or plowboys- that will go above and beyond anyone else to make sure that the woman they love is happy and cared for. Believe me that last part is on the top of their list.

A cowboy is brought up in a household that is very traditional and if you are a lady you will find that an endearing and completely frustrating trait. They are also full of pride, good work ethic and both physical and mental strength.

With a resume like that I’m sure you can imagine all the trouble that gets them in. But because of these qualities cowboys are so easy to love. Who wouldn’t want a man dressed in a nice button-down shirt, sitting atop his horse tipping his hat? A man who can use a rope, handle a gun and isn’t afraid of getting dirty. A man like that exudes confidence and strength. You also know that with a cowboy you and his family are the main priority, he will do anything for you even to his own detriment.

A cowboy possesses many skills and has many talents. The diversity of the lifestyle provides them with an environment to pick up anything from building a house to sewing on a button and everything in between. The other way they win over the ladies is that most cowboys know how to dance. And women like to dance. A cowboy will sweep you around the dance floor in his strong arms showing how proud he isLacy: The Doves of Primrose By: Krista Kedrick Blurb Lacy Weston… or is it Campbell? Hell her husband took off so fast he may as well take his name with him. She is trying to run the historic family bed and breakfast out in the middle of the prairie while coping with her husband’s desertion, trying to keep up with her two best friends and oh yeah, the movie production that has landed in the middle of The Dove House and taken over, bringing former rodeo champion, famous actor and Lacy’s old flame with it. The last thing Lacy needs… Kyle McClintock is back in Primrose to shoot his latest western blockbuster and to see if the passion he and Lacy Weston had so many years ago could be reclaimed. Yes, he had ulterior motives when requesting his old hometown for the set, but he may get more than he bargained for. Strange happenings, hot tempers and Indian summer nights may prove too much for this cowboy. Nobody ever said it was easy loving a Weston.

Hi y’all! I’m Krista Kedrick and I’m a country loving writer. I write stories with the country way of life in mind. Yes, they have cowboys and cowgirls, ranches, tractors, dogs, children and your occasional bar room brawl, but in the end they are down home people who do the right thing and find a love more powerful and promising than your everyday story. Because that’s how we are. Everything is stronger, more passionate and long-lasting. I write from my home state of Nebraska while living my dream life (well, almost). I have an amazing husband, two of the cutest daughters on the prairie and a Basset Hound who teaches me the meaning of the word “patience”. Kick back and enjoy my books about the country life-- but keep your boots off my coffee table.

Author Links  (video/audio blog)

Krista_Kedrick Rafflecopter Giveaway (2 Paperback/5 Digital)

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Remember if you have a man that has to remove his hat to give you a kiss, he’s a keeper. Or you can read any of my books to experience what love is like with these men.


  1. Thank you so much for having me on your blog today! I hope everyone who visits enters the contest and those Glow Bug cloth diapers are adorable! If I still had any in diapers I would want those!

  2. I'm not a cowgirl by any means, although I grew up in New Mexico around a lot of rodeo girls. But I always love to read about cowboys their girls. And, I still want some Cowboy Boots!
    Down home people are just great people -- usually non-pretentious, helpful, friendly, salt of the earth. Thanks for writing about them.
