
Friday, July 12, 2013

Keeper of the Lost Souls The Keeper Witch Series Book One by Kristy Centeno Blog Tour

YA Bound Book Tours is hosting a blog tour for: Keepers of the Lost Souls y by by Kristy Centeno.  This tour will run from July 8th to July 13th.  See the full blog tour schedule below: 

Keeper of the Lost Souls

Summary from Goodreads:
Bryn McCaskey is young, naïve, and can talk to ghosts. Like her mother and grandmother, Bryn is part of a breed of witches called The Keepers of the Lost Souls, whose main purpose is to guard those spirits which are permanently or temporarily grounded in the world of the living.
Because Bryn is a witch, she’s fairly comfortable dealing with all sorts of threats, which she does with ease and confidence. Handling supernatural creatures is as easy to her as baking a pie. Dealing with people however, is something she is yet to learn how to handle.
Unfortunately, as her 18th birthday approaches, and the time for her to take on her first assignment finally arrives, Bryn is forced to confront her inability to communicate with others in an effort to save the one soul that can mean the difference between life and death for mankind.
Johnny Shaw is a lost soul with a personal vendetta against witches. A vendetta he has carried on even after death. However, as much as he might hate them, in order to stop a century old threat, he must join forces with one. When fate brings them together, not only will they be forced to learn how to work as a team, but they will have to depend on each other to stop an evil witch carrying a six hundred year grudge.

Available from:
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Author Links:
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***Blog Tour Schedule***
July 8th:
Seeing Night- Review

July 9th:
Book Swoon - Review
Kassie's Thoughts - Author Interview #1
We Fancy Books - Excerpt #3

July 10th:
Addicted Readers - Excerpt #2
Leisure Reads - Character Profile: Johnny
A Dream Within A Dream - Author Interview
Reading to Stay Alive - Review
Wintry Words - Excerpt #4

July 11th:
Mom With AKindle - Character Profile: Bryn

July 12th:
Turning Pages – - Promo Post
Mommasez... – - Review
A Diary Of A Book Addict - - Review
The Book Lover's Report - – Review
Jessabella Reads - - Character Guest Post
3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too! - - Author Interview #2

July 13th:
Reader Girls - - Review
Two-Tall-Tales - Review
Nomi’s Paranormal Palace -  - Author Interview #3
Whirlwindbooks - - Review
Jmbookdiaries - - Review

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