
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tail of the Devil by Danielle DeVor


Tail of the Devil                                              
Danielle DeVor

Genre: YA Fantasy

Publisher: Eirelander Publishing
Date of Publication:  April 26, 2013


Number of pages: 230
Word Count: 69,949

Cover Artist: Buffi BeCraft

Amazon  BN 

Book Description:

If Mathias thought being homeless sucked, being a vampire is worse. The vampires who transformed him believe he is the reincarnation of an ancient king. They expect him to quit swearing, use a napkin, and play by their weird, ancient rules. Screw that.

But after the reigning queen assaults Mathias, he has visions of a past life in which he was that king. Turns out the current queen killed him then, and wants to kill him again. He’d better grow up fast, because if he doesn’t his second life may be shorter than his first.

About the Author:
Danielle DeVor spent her early years fantasizing about vampires and watching “Salem’s Lot” way too many times.  After living briefly in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, she moved back to her hometown to write.  When not writing and reading about weird things, you will find her hanging out at the nearest coffee shop, enjoying a mocha frappuccino. 


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