
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Savory Summer Giveaway Hop!!

Savory Summer
Welcome to the 2nd annual Savory Summer Giveaway Hop hosted by Measuring Flower! I have teamed up with a bunch of other awesome bloggers to bring you a variety of food and food-related giveaways each worth a minimum of $25! So, once you're done entering my giveaway below, be sure to "hop" on to the next participating blog. You can find a list with links to all the other blogs towards the end of this post.
Also, please don't forget to check out the grand prizes for this event. There's a $700 stainless steel cookware set sponsored by Calphalon and a $345 collapsible grill set and dutch oven sponsored by Volcano Grills! You can enter these great prizes HERE.

I am giving away a brand new Betty Crocker Cookbook Heart Healthy Edition & some Betty Crocker kitchen utensils.  . Don't forget to enter all of the other giveaways in the hop, especially Mommy's little sister
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: Our host (, its authors, 3 Partners, and its authors are not responsible for sponsors or other bloggers who do not fulfill their prizes.


  1. I love grilled everything in the summer! :D

  2. I love to cook anything on the grill ~ veggies are my absolute favorite followed by chicken!

  3. anything on the grill - steak, hamburger, hot dogs...
    Sherry Compton

  4. I like to make Strawberry Shortcake.

  5. We definitely cook lighter in the summer. We have many more fresh salads than during the winter. We try to not use the oven too much so as not to heat up the entire house. So, things on the stove top work best for us.

  6. I love cooking crockpot meals! makes it so much easier to keep the house cooled off and then not have to do too much in the prep and can then go off and do whatever

  7. I enjoy making muffins with all the fresh fruit.

  8. Hamburgers on the grill is my fave.

  9. I love to make hamburgers, hot dogs, and seafood the most in the summer. And really big really delicious salads!! Great for when it is hot!

  10. love to make marinated shish kabobs

  11. Everything on the grill and all the veggies from the garden

  12. I love to grill everything! I especially love grilled artichokes!

  13. I love to make smores.

  14. Pasta salad is a favorite of ours in the summer!

  15. I love to make frozen treats and spaghetti squash salad.

  16. I love to make strawberry rhubarb pie with strawberries and rhubarb right from the garden!

    Angela Rhodes
    nofearpapertiger AT GMAIL.COM

  17. I love smoothies in the summertime. but we try to grill instead of cooking in the hot weather. plus it tastes better on the grill.

  18. I love to can and freeze and my husband likes to grill. :)

  19. I love grill up some hot dogs & corn! Butterscotch Blondies are also a summer favorite!
